This site focuses on these questions

Sept 13: WHITE-TAILED TROPICBIRD found in CT on Aug 28th! Read this fascinating story at Greg's site....


This Hurricane Irene blog was meant to be helpful for just ONE WEEK to provide REAL-TIME reporting of ALL Atlantic coast storm-birds DURING the "teeth" of the storm, but the storm's winds and flooding killed our electricity and this blog. Without electricity, water and internet for 102 hours prevented us reporting during the most exciting part of the hurricane and its birding aftermath.
Instead of trying to "catch-up" and reconstruct those 102 missing hours from the archived listserv reports, we will instead 1) summarize them, 2) learn what we can from this "experiment" in real-time-hurricane-bird-blogging, 3) request eBird data entry of all hurricane reports, and 4) get ready for the NEXT hurricane this year!

Therefore we will refocus on the latest current map of the NEXT hurricanes and their projected storm tracks.....
Tropical Storms and Hurricanes (and the wind speed probabilities map... Wind Speed Projections ) and prepare again to answer these questions....
What impacts will the next hurricane have on birds on the East Coast of the USA (plus the western Atlantic and maritime Canada)? And how will that be reflected on the twenty main internet bird lists covering that region?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Experimenting with the full text from CT birds list from 8/29

Yellow or Green indicated hurricane-related posts....
Red may be used to high-light some species....
This long post is not in progress....

From robben99 at  Mon Aug 29 00:52:07 2011
From: robben99 at (Thomas Robben)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 00:52:07 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Hurricane Irene blog blown down
Message-ID: <>

Electricity failed at 11am Sunday and still in the dark here. Hoping to resume this blog Monday afternoon and catch-up with all the excellent storm birds reported in all the states.  Good and safe birding to everybody. 
Tom Robben
Glastonbury CT

Sent from my iPhone

From nbonomo at  Mon Aug 29 06:39:00 2011
From: nbonomo at (Nick Bonomo)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 06:39:00 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] BLACK-NECKED STILT, Royal Term at Milford Pt
Message-ID: <>

Stilt is against the Milford side of the jetty/breakwater at the mouth of the river. The northern end that's covered at high tide.

Also Royal and Black Terns at river mouth.


Sent from my iPhone

From asterbunch at  Mon Aug 29 07:48:58 2011
From: asterbunch at (asterbunch at
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 7:48:58 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Cabela's- East Hartford
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <20110829074858.MC6SG.1490454.imail@eastrmwml32>

8/28 - Cabela's - East Hartford (around 10 a.m. yesterday)-- approx. 25 RED-NECKED PHALAROPES (I regret the delay in the report but we have no power at home and these birds did not appear to stay long). 

Bill Asteriades
South Glastonbury

From szagorski at  Mon Aug 29 08:06:13 2011
From: szagorski at (Zagorski, Sara)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 08:06:13 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Hudsonian Godwit, Milford PT
Message-ID: <>

In addition to the Stilt and the Royal Tern at Milford PT, Tina Green just called to say she found a HUDSONIAN GODWIT. There are a bunch of people there searching the marshes and ocean for other rarities.

Sara Zagorski

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notify the sender by immediate reply and delete the original message.  Thank you.

From szagorski at  Mon Aug 29 09:09:43 2011
From: szagorski at (Zagorski, Sara)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 09:09:43 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Cabela's- East Hartford
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

In addition to what Andrew reported, Joe Valenti was there about an hour or so later and also had several Common Terns, 12 Black-bellied Plovers, great egret, and a Willet.

Sara Zagorski

----- Original Message -----
From: Dasinger, Andrew M        UTPWR [mailto:andrew.dasinger at]
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 10:04 PM
To: ctbirds at <ctbirds at>
Subject: [CT Birds] Cabela's- East Hartford

8/28 - Cabela's - East Hartford (around 4 p.m.)-- 1 Least Tern, 1 Baird's Sandpiper, 1 White-rumped Sandpiper, 2 Sanderling, 20+ Pectoral Sandiper, Semipal Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs, over 600 Ring-billed Gulls. Rocky Hill Meadows was inacccessible. 2 additional Least Terns on the CT River in Glastonbury behind the wastewater treatment plant.

Andrew Dasinger
South Glastonbury
This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
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From szagorski at  Mon Aug 29 09:58:17 2011
From: szagorski at (Zagorski, Sara)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 09:58:17 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Hudsonian Godwit, Milford PT
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Tina Green called again to say the tide is at high and the birds are
dispersing to the marsh, but John Oshlick also spotted an American
Golden-Plover on the sandbars.

Sara Zagorski

-----Original Message-----
From: ctbirds-bounces at
[mailto:ctbirds-bounces at] On Behalf Of Zagorski, Sara
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 8:06 AM
To: ctbirds at
Subject: [CT Birds] Hudsonian Godwit, Milford PT

In addition to the Stilt and the Royal Tern at Milford PT, Tina Green
just called to say she found a HUDSONIAN GODWIT. There are a bunch of
people there searching the marshes and ocean for other rarities.

Sara Zagorski

solely for the use of the addressee(s) named above.  Any disclosure,
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From alexanderburdo at  Mon Aug 29 10:19:11 2011
From: alexanderburdo at (Alexander Burdo)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 10:19:11 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] American Golden-Plover plus, Fairfield
Message-ID: <>

I spent a couple of hours this morning hitting spots in the vicinity of Southport, hoping for a reorienting rarity to use Mill River to navigate and appear at Southport Harbor. Although nothing out of the ordinary was found there were still quite a few birds to be seen. 

The Fairfield Country Club, a decent spot for grasspipers was flooded by the storm, causing quite a few pools to appear around the course which in turn attracted quite a few shorebirds, gulls and ducks. Highlights below:

5 AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS -- a nice group of birds, all adults still retaining a lot of their breeding garb. These birds were quite jumpy, moving around a bit and finally took off along with the Willet to the northeast. 
40 Killdeer
3 Semipalmated Plover
12 Greater Yellowlegs
4 Lesser Yellowlegs
2 Solitary Sandpiper
1 "Western" Willet
35 Semipalmated Sandpiper
22 Least Sandpiper 

I was able to view this spot from a couple of different vantage points on Harbor Road on the Southport side, although the course is across the harbor in Fairfield. It is a private club, thus my inability to actually enter it. 

Other highlights from the area included:

10 Laughing Gull
4 Bank Swallow

Alex Burdo

>From Alex Burdo:
08/28/11 - Fairfield Country Club -- 5 AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER (all adults) that flew off to the Northeast, 2 SOLITARY SANDPIPER and 2 PECTORAL SANDPIPER. 

From szagorski at  Mon Aug 29 10:28:43 2011
From: szagorski at (Zagorski, Sara)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 10:28:43 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Brown Pelican, Griswold Pt
Message-ID: <>

I was just talking to Nick Bonomo and he had just gotten a call from
Glenn Williams and Hank Golet. They found a BROWN PELICAN at Griswold
Pt, along with 2 Royal Terns and 25 Black Terns.

Sara Zagorski

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From eyeflight16 at  Mon Aug 29 13:47:22 2011
From: eyeflight16 at (eyeflight16 at
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:47:22 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Bridled Tern Westport
Message-ID: <>

Brendan Murtha just called to say that he and his father, Sean Murtha, have a Bridled Tern on Hill Point Avenue which is a road that leads to Compo Beach in Westport. They said that the bird was there when they arrived perched on flotsam floating on the water, and then it flew off for a few minutes, before returning to more flotsam. They said the bird is more towards Sherwood Island. Sean and Brendan had to leave for a?commitment, so anyone who can might want to check Compo Beach, Sherwood Island and?surrounding?areas. As far as I know the bird was still perched on the flotsam when they left. Good luck and post any updates to the list please.

James Purcell

From eyeflight16 at  Mon Aug 29 13:53:47 2011
From: eyeflight16 at (eyeflight16 at
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:53:47 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Royal Tern Fairfield
Message-ID: <>

Just had a Royal Tern fly by here on Fairfield beach, heading west.

James Purcell

From jbeverhart at  Mon Aug 29 14:26:39 2011
From: jbeverhart at (Judd Everhart)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 14:26:39 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Bridled Tern Westport
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I note that Peterson's says the Bridled Tern is "to be looked for after hurricanes."

On Aug 29, 2011, at 1:47 PM, eyeflight16 at wrote:

> Brendan Murtha just called to say that he and his father, Sean Murtha, have a Bridled Tern on Hill Point Avenue which is a road that leads to Compo Beach in Westport. They said that the bird was there when they arrived perched on flotsam floating on the water, and then it flew off for a few minutes, before returning to more flotsam. They said the bird is more towards Sherwood Island. Sean and Brendan had to leave for a commitment, so anyone who can might want to check Compo Beach, Sherwood Island and surrounding areas. As far as I know the bird was still perched on the flotsam when they left. Good luck and post any updates to the list please.

> James Purcell
> Fairfield
> _______________________________________________
> This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
> For subscription information visit

From bmskua at  Mon Aug 29 15:08:48 2011
From: bmskua at (Brendan Murtha)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 12:08:48 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Hurricane Birds
Message-ID: <>

Following up with James's report, here are the highlights Sean Murtha and I had 
the past 2 days-


Veteran's Park, Norwalk:  BAIRDS SANDPIPER - 1 confirmed, a few other possible 
Pectoral Sandpiper- 4 or so.   The park was flooded, providing great habitat for 
shorebirds.  Tons of peeps were present (Least and Semipalm), plus a lot of 
Laughing Gulls, numbering in the hundreds.  Missed the Red-necked phalarope. 
 Mardi and Towni Dickinson had seen it only minutes before we arrived..

Calf Pasture Beach, Norwalk-  CASPIAN TERN-1,  Forster's Tern- 2, plus a handful 
of unidentified Storm-Petrels way out.


Sasco Creek Beach, Southport-  JAEGER sp., far out, harassing terns. 

Compo Hill Area, Westport, where Hillspoint road curves along the shoreline east 
of Compo Beach - BRIDLED TERN- 1 

Upon arrival we picked out the bird on a piece of flotsam pretty far out to the 
east, off Sherwood Island (which remains closed).  As the flotsam drifted nearer 
shore the bird lifted off and flew south-westward until we lost it, but later we 
picked it up again alighting on another piece of flotsam, also to the east but 
unfortunately no nearer. The bird appeared mainly dark gray with white 
foreparts, and when it flew, the wings appeared long and narrow with a touch of 
white underneath.  While admittedly distant, we felt it was not black enough to 
be Sooty Tern and the wings too narrow to be Sooty or Black Tern.  Its habit of 
alighting on flotsam also strongly indicated Bridled Tern.  We hope someone else 
can relocate the bird- if Sherwood Island re-opens, the view may be better from 

Moments later we had a BLACK TERN at the Sherwood millpond, the nearest we were 
able to park.

 -Brendan Murtha

From cekroth at  Mon Aug 29 16:20:10 2011
From: cekroth at (cekroth at
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 20:20:10 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [CT Birds] Milford & Sandy Pts.
Message-ID: <>

8/29, Milford Point with Paul Desjardins, Paul Walters, Buzz Devine and a few others I didn't know: 


Sandy Point with Paul D, Paul W and Buzz Devine, 2 ROYAL TERNS 2 CASPIAN TERNS. 

Cabelas 3:30, 1 SOLITARY SANDPIPER. 

Carl & Catherine Ekroth 

From szagorski at  Mon Aug 29 17:04:18 2011
From: szagorski at (Zagorski, Sara)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:04:18 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Milford PT
Message-ID: <>

I'm here with several birders, this is the latest report at 5 pm:

Black-necked Stilt was seen all the way around the point to the right, but then flew back towards the sound and we haven't located it again.

Jamie Myers and Jay Kaplan also saw a Marbled Godwit where the stilt was, but it took off.

Patrick Dugan found a juvenile Sooty Tern that came in off the sound and disappeared over Stratford PT.

Royal Tern still here, 4 Black Skimmers, Peregrine Falcon, forster"s tern, black tern. No sign of the Hudsonian Godwits.

Sara Zagorski

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From kbosch at  Mon Aug 29 17:23:04 2011
From: kbosch at (Scott Kruitbosch)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:23:04 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Jaegers Stratford
Message-ID: <>

2 juv Parasitic Jaegers down the Housatonic as seen from Boothe Park
Hawk Watch site not far behind a southbound Osprey around 430. Sorry
for slow post, not easy here.

Many good birds last 2 days. Most have been posted but I'm not sure if
the Bridled in with the Sooty group was from yesterday in Stratford.
Keep watching! More to come

Sent from my mobile device

Scott Kruitbosch
Stratford, CT

From elphick at  Mon Aug 29 18:11:01 2011
From: elphick at (Chris Elphick)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 15:11:01 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] more from Mansfield (belatedly)
Message-ID: <>

In addition to Mark's notes on ctbirds yesterday, I can add that I had a common tern and two large, dark terns flying south along the Willimantic River at Eagleville Lake after the storm passed (around 4 pm).? Unfortunately, I was watching the white tern which was flying towards me at eye level and didn't see the two big dark ones that were up high until they were practically overhead.? My initial reaction was sooty, but I do not know either species well, so cannot rule out bridled based on the brief, backlit views that I got.? All three birds showed no
 interest in the lake at all and seemed to be just trying to get to the coast as fast as they could.

Also, Mark hinted at some uncertainty about the least tern at Mansfield Hollow.? Most of the time we were there it was at the far side of the lake, so we were identifying it based only on flight
 style and its being smaller than the blacks (and white).? Towards dark, probably after Mark had left, we got much better views as it flew towards us, before heading up and south.?

Late in the day we also had two very distant phalaropes (note to records' cmte: we didn't see these well enough for you to accept them ... though I'm pretty confident about the ID).

The "medium sized all dark bird that was tantalizing but unidentified" that Mark mentioned was never seen again.

This morning, access at Mansfield Hollow was harder due to flooding, but I saw nothing but a young bald eagle from Rte 89.

Chris Elphick

Storrs, CT

elphick at

From pwolter6 at  Mon Aug 29 18:58:51 2011
From: pwolter6 at (pwolter6 at
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 22:58:51 +0000
Subject: [CT Birds] Long billed Dowitcher-Stratford Marina
Message-ID: <>

8/29/11 Stratford, Stratford Marina 12.30 pm at high tide. On the jetty 1 Long billed Dowitcher with 12 Short billed and about 100 Yellowlegs. Access is restricted for 72 hours but we were able to get in while the worker's were on lunch break.

Paul Desjardins and Paul Wolter
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From paul.desjardins2 at  Mon Aug 29 20:02:51 2011
From: paul.desjardins2 at (Paul Desjardins)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 20:02:51 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Westport
Message-ID: <>

No luck finding the Bridled Tern but did have a Caspian Tern near Compo Beach as well as a Peregrine Falcon.

From mantlik at  Mon Aug 29 20:10:52 2011
From: mantlik at (Frank Mantlik)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:10:52 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Fw: Some CT Birds
Message-ID: <>

I'm forwarding this email dated 8/28 from LI, NY  birder, Shaibal Mitra.

Frank Mantlik

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Shaibal Mitra <Shaibal.Mitra at>
To: "mantlik at" <mantlik at>
Sent: Sun, August 28, 2011 7:06:21 AM
Subject: Some CT Birds

Hi Frank,

We had tickets for yesterday's early game at Fenway, and along the way of our
30-hour circuit of LI Sound, Pat Lindsay and I saw several CT birds. First was a
Wilson's SP in e LI Sound, from the ferry, near the NY-CT line, on Friday.
Yesterday, driving  down 395 we had several flocks of Common Nighthawks (total
27) near Danielson, around 5:00 pm. The largest group was about 15 birds, one
exit north of Danielson (East Killingly?).

After dropping off my nephew in Canterbury, we ran down to 95 and raced for
home. At exit 43 (ca. West Haven) around 6:30, we had two Hudsonian Godwits fly
from south to north, directly over us. The birds were in silhouette, but the
shape, size, and flight  style were quite apparent.

Good storm birding!


Change is in the Air - Smoking in Designated Areas Only in effect.
Tobacco-Free Campus as of July 1, 2012.

From nbonomo at  Mon Aug 29 20:20:01 2011
From: nbonomo at (Nick Bonomo)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 20:20:01 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Cockenoe Island & offshore
Message-ID: <>

>From Tina Green, Greg Hanisek, John Oshlick and Nick Bonomo:
8/29 - Westport, Cockenoe Island - WHIMBREL, RED KNOT, ROYAL TERN, 4
BLACK TERNS (including one on flotsam that really got us going for a
minute), FORSTER'S TERN.

Offshore, in the middle of the sound, we had next to nothing. Even
common gulls and terns were tough to come by. Everything of interest
was onshore.

I'll have some Royal Tern pics from today on my blog eventually.

Nick Bonomo
Wallingford, CT

From mantlik at  Mon Aug 29 20:25:41 2011
From: mantlik at (Frank Mantlik)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:25:41 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Milford PT
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

8/29  Stratford, Short Beach (closed due to hurricane, but I obtained access on
sidewalk called "Wayne's Walk" off Riverdale Dr.), 5:40 pm.  With bins,  I saw
the crowd of birders across the river on the Milford Point sandbar.  We
communicated by cell phone.
Tide was low; 1000s of birds - terns, gulls, shorebirds, egrets.  Highlights

BLACK NECKED STILT - foraging in shallows, straight out from me, and between
concrete "turret" and Stratford Point.  Took some digiscope record photos.  I
was able to direct the Milford group who could scope it from much greater
2 AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS, largely still in breeding plumage.
4 Red Knots.
1 BLACK SKIMMER (juvenile)
No sign of any jaegers, though there were 1000+ terns working the river mouth,
off Stratford Point, and around the corner off Russian Beach (Park Blvd), plus
maybe 1500 more resting on the many sandbars and working the east side of the

Frank Mantlik

p.s. It's good to have electricity back (6:45 tonight).  I'll post my highlights
from yesterday in another e-mail.

From: "Zagorski, Sara" <szagorski at>
To: ctbirds at
Sent: Mon, August 29, 2011 5:04:18 PM
Subject: [CT Birds] Milford PT

I'm here with several birders, this is the latest report at 5 pm:

Black-necked Stilt was seen all the way around the point to the right, but then
flew back towards the sound and we haven't located it again.

Jamie Myers and Jay Kaplan also saw a Marbled Godwit where the stilt was, but it
took off.

Patrick Dugan found a juvenile Sooty Tern that came in off the sound and
disappeared over Stratford PT.

Royal Tern still here, 4 Black Skimmers, Peregrine Falcon, forster"s tern, black
tern. No sign of the Hudsonian Godwits.

Sara Zagorski

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the use of the addressee(s) named above.  Any disclosure, distribution, copying
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This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) for
the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
For subscription information visit

From mantlik at  Mon Aug 29 20:40:26 2011
From: mantlik at (Frank Mantlik)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 17:40:26 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Hurricane Birds
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

8/29 - Some follow-up comments regarding the report of a Bridled Tern near Compo
Cove.  At 2:10 I received a phone call from Julian Hough, alerting me to this
report.  I had just taken my lunch break at Compo Beach ( a delightful sunny
day) with binos in hand, and saw little except 1 WHIMBREL migrating sw low over
the water.
I promptly drove my truck to the Hillspoint Rd. / Compo Cove area.  I saw only 1
LEAST TERN on a rock; no sign of any floating flotsam, nor any Bridled Tern.
I also called Tina Green, who happened to be just offshore on Nick Bonomo's boat
at Cockenoe Island.  They came upon a tern on some flotsam, excited at the
prospects, but it was in fact a BLACK TERN.  The winds seemed SW,  so Brendan's
comment that it was drifting east toward Sherwood Is. makes sense.
After work, I found Sherwood Is. SP closed to entry due to the storm damage.
 The officer told me the planned opening date is Wed. 8/31 at 8am.  By then, the
Bridled Tern could be off Carolina.

Frank Mantlik

From: Brendan Murtha <bmskua at>
To: ctbirds at
Sent: Mon, August 29, 2011 3:08:48 PM
Subject: [CT Birds] Hurricane Birds

Following up with James's report, here are the highlights Sean Murtha and I had
the past 2 days-


Veteran's Park, Norwalk:  BAIRDS SANDPIPER - 1 confirmed, a few other possible
Pectoral Sandpiper- 4 or so.   The park was flooded, providing great habitat for

shorebirds.  Tons of peeps were present (Least and Semipalm), plus a lot of
Laughing Gulls, numbering in the hundreds.  Missed the Red-necked phalarope.
Mardi and Towni Dickinson had seen it only minutes before we arrived..

Calf Pasture Beach, Norwalk-  CASPIAN TERN-1,  Forster's Tern- 2, plus a handful

of unidentified Storm-Petrels way out.


Sasco Creek Beach, Southport-  JAEGER sp., far out, harassing terns.

Compo Hill Area, Westport, where Hillspoint road curves along the shoreline east

of Compo Beach - BRIDLED TERN- 1

Upon arrival we picked out the bird on a piece of flotsam pretty far out to the
east, off Sherwood Island (which remains closed).  As the flotsam drifted nearer

shore the bird lifted off and flew south-westward until we lost it, but later we

picked it up again alighting on another piece of flotsam, also to the east but
unfortunately no nearer. The bird appeared mainly dark gray with white
foreparts, and when it flew, the wings appeared long and narrow with a touch of
white underneath.  While admittedly distant, we felt it was not black enough to
be Sooty Tern and the wings too narrow to be Sooty or Black Tern.  Its habit of
alighting on flotsam also strongly indicated Bridled Tern.  We hope someone else

can relocate the bird- if Sherwood Island re-opens, the view may be better from

Moments later we had a BLACK TERN at the Sherwood millpond, the nearest we were
able to park.

-Brendan Murtha
This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) for
the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
For subscription information visit

From mantlik at  Mon Aug 29 21:45:47 2011
From: mantlik at (Frank Mantlik)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 18:45:47 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Hurricane Irene Birds 8/28
Message-ID: <>

8/28  Bird Highlights 8/28/2011, mostly from Stratford, during Hurricane Irene:

9:30 am Oak Bluff Ave. (road leading to Long Beach) - the salt marsh was flooded
and a choppy "bay".  The causeway was close to being flooded.  A flock of 52
RED-NECKED PHALAROPES repeatedly flying around in a tight flock for 15+ minutes.
 Photos.  There were also 15 CLAPPER RAILS (including 2-3 juveniles) swimming in
open water coming towards Oak Bluff, trying to get to dry land. Several Common
Terns and Barn Swallows as well.

10:00 - Frash Pond - 4 BLACK TERNS foraging over water for as long as I was

10:45 am - Bridgeport - enroute to Seaside Park, a JAEGER species was over my
car on I-95 at exit 27.  I pulled over, viewed it with bins as it struggled
south against the strong winds, took a few photos that unfortunately show
little.  Based on slight size and thin wings, it was either a Long-tailed or a
Parasitic.  Once I got near Seaside Park (main entrance closed), I could see the
bulk of the Park was a lake, and the tide was still rising, quickly flooding the
road near UB that I was on.  I retreated in a hurry.

11:20 - 12:10  -  Rt 1 at Housatonic River, in large parking lot of Savin Rock
Roasting Co. restaurant.  I pulled in and saw a SOOTY TERN over the lot, just as
Charlie Barnard was calling me to tell me.  He'd arrived 15 minutes prior.
 Scott Kruitbosch arrived soon thereafter.  We were amazed to see a frantic
flight of several flocks of terns, against the wind and rain, over a
storm-swollen river.  (Calls were made to other storm-birders, who soon
arrived.)  Species included up to 8 SOOTY TERNS, 1 POSSIBLE BRIDLED TERN, 4
BLACK TERNS, 2 FORSTER'S TERNS, 50 Common Terns, 2 fly-by WHIMBRELS, 1 fly-by
Blue-winged Teal. Several times the Sooty Terns flew over our cars.  I obtained
good photos, which I'll post sometime soon.

Most of the afternoon was spent clearing fallen tree limbs and dealing with
minor damage to our deck.

What a day of storm-birding in CT!  I was in frequent phone communication with
Nick Bonomo, who put even more time in, and had a bunch more great birds.

Frank Mantlik
on 8/29, now that electricity is restored.

From jrhough1 at  Mon Aug 29 21:51:37 2011
From: jrhough1 at (julian hough)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 18:51:37 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] storm birds sunday 8/28
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Apologies for the brief email, still without power in New Haven, but wanted to
get some info out..

8/28 Morningside Drive Area, Milford, with Nick Bonomo
Nick Bonomo and I had mulled this spot as a good vantage point due to it's
visibility and height. Nick started his vigil early and had a couple of good
birds prior to me getting there (which I'll let him report). It was pretty
intense as I left my house to meet him. A quick look at the harbor from my
street revealed no birds.

As I got to Milford, I decided to pull into the American Legion parking lot
overlooking the sound as was rewarded immediately with the first bird I saw
being an Adult SOOTY TERN over my car!! Fiercely battling the wind, it headed
out to sea leaving me wet and suddenly awake with adrenalin!

Nick and I watched from his car together, but birds were few and far between,
not even local terns or gulls were moving, so any bird that popped into view was
likely to be a "goodie". Nick spotted a storm-petrel moving west and thankfully
I managed to get on it immediately. We both watched it shearing and battling the
waves, banking to reveal relatively longish wings (not as long as Leach's) and
an obvious amount of white wrapping around onto the rump. We both agreed it was
a BAND-RUMPED PETREL, a species we are both familiar with and was quite a
startling find. Nick picked up a further WILSON'S PETREL and I had an
unidentified dark bird that slipped into a trough and was never seen again.

Savin(?) Roasting Company/Route#1, Startford
Alerted by Frank Mantlik, Charlie Barnard and Scott Kruitbosch to a few SOOTY
TERNS feeding in the bay, we left and shot over there. It was an insane
spectacle, at least six SOOTY TERNS were whipping back and forth in front of us
along with two Black Terns. AT that point, there must have been a change, since
all the birds bucked out of the bay and heading south towards Stratford Point.

Access restrictions to coastal vantage points hurt us in detecting further
pelagic birds, especially in light of what other species were being seen in NJ,
NY and White-tailed tropicbirds and many Bridled Terns, the latter
noticeably absent given the reports from neighboring states.

AD. SOOTY TERN flying slowly east

Savin Rock, West Haven
AD. SOOTY TERN most likely different from the one above, but can't be sure.
Red-necked Phalarope (1)

An amazing day in CT for storm birds and hopefully everyone was able to get out
birding safely. Thanks to all for communicating your finds promptly.


From jrhough1 at  Mon Aug 29 21:54:31 2011
From: jrhough1 at (julian hough)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 18:54:31 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] 8/29 large terns, Sandy point
Message-ID: <>

12:00pm Sandy Point, West Haven,
3 CASPIAN (2 ad, 1 juv)
1 ROYAL TERN (my first here!)

From jrhough1 at  Mon Aug 29 21:59:42 2011
From: jrhough1 at (julian hough)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 18:59:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] SUNRISE Birding Walks at Sandy Point, Wed 31st August
Message-ID: <>

Due to sporadic access to email and that many are without access to email or
power, although I may not be contatcbale, I am planning to lead the bird walk at
6pm this wednesday. Those that are signed up or interested, should show up as
planned at the parking spot on Beach Drive, West Haven (opposite the now defunct
Captain's Galley Restaurant).


Julian Hough

From carriergraphics at  Mon Aug 29 22:37:02 2011
From: carriergraphics at (Carrier Graphics)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 19:37:02 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] storm at 4:00
Message-ID: <>

Back on line today- Monday Aug 29 -

On Saturday of the storm at 4:00, went to Barkhamsted and Nepaug looking for
birds - through many detours though, and saw nothing at all. Had what looked
like 3 dark birds way out at Barkhamsted res, But also saw some wood debris
floating about as well, so didn't pursue. Bird life was non existent, of which I
believe was from them hunkering down till the sky becomes quiet once again.

Paul Carrier

From jim at  Mon Aug 29 22:53:26 2011
From: jim at (James Dugan)
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2011 22:53:26 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Stamford storm birds
Message-ID: <>

8/28/11 - Stamford, Shippan Pt. 9:30AM to 4:30PM
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel at 12:35PM
4 ad Sooty Terns
7 Black Terns
1 Roseate Tern
22 Forster's Terns
320 Common Terns
(500+ Sterna sp)
3 Jaeger sp
1 juv Red Phalarope
1 Buff-breasted Sandpiper
2 Marbled & 1 Hudsonian Godwits all in flight together
8 Purple martins
5 Cliff Swallows
1 ragged Giant Swallowtail Butterfly

Patrick Dugan
Brenda Inskeep
in part with David Winston

8/28/11 - In addition to the 11 Sooty Terns on Candlewood Lake in New Fairfield that Nick kindly posted for me yesterday, I had 2 Black Terns fly by Girard's Marina, Candlewood Lake in New Milford at 10AM and there were 2 Black Terns (the same?) with the 11 Sootys, seen from 3:30 to 5:30PM. Thanks to my cell phone still working throughout the storm, this herd of terns was also seen by Angela Dimmitt, Wendy Knoth & Angelas friend Linda as well as by my wife Jackie and eldest daughter Sally.

Also thanks to Frank Mantlik for calling the group of birders I was with at Milford Pt this evening with the location of the Black-necked Stilt.

Jim Dugan
New Milford

From szagorski at  Tue Aug 30 11:08:58 2011
From: szagorski at (Zagorski, Sara)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 11:08:58 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Brown Pelican at Old Saybrook on Monday 8/29
Message-ID: <>

I just heard from Anthony Zemba that he had the BROWN PELICAN yesterday
in Old Saybrook while he was at the Dock and Dine location at around
11:00 am. He was scanning the Great Island shore and found the pelican
resting there. He didn't have a cell phone with him and was unable to
report it yesterday.

The pelican may still be moving along the coast so those on the shore
keep an eye for it. Or it may have flown away. Just wanted people to
know which direction it had been heading.

Sara Zagorski

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From paul.desjardins2 at  Tue Aug 30 11:40:56 2011
From: paul.desjardins2 at (Paul Desjardins)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 11:40:56 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Windsor
Message-ID: <>

This morning at Northwest Park 4 Common Ravens and a Yellow Bellied Flycatcher.

From david.f.provencher at  Tue Aug 30 11:55:58 2011
From: david.f.provencher at (David F Provencher)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 11:55:58 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Migrants to our north
Message-ID: <>

I spent the last part of last week camping in western Maine with my daughter and a couple of her friends. The trip was cut short by a day thanks to Irene and many of the roads we drove across in New Hampshire on the way home have been damaged and closed by flooding. But getting back to birds, while camping on the shore of Lower Rischardson Lake in Maine I encountered many large flocks of migrant warblers, Red-breasted Nuthatches, Chickadees, Siskins, and others, as well as hearing a heavy morning flight on Saturday morning. I was usually without my bins when I experienced them but I don't think I have ever seen so many Magnolia Warblers in one flock. Friday night while l was in my tent I heard many thrush flight calls overhead, mainly Swainson's, punctuated by the wails of Common Loons on the lake. So, though fairly mundane when juxtapositioned against the storm birds of this week, it's a reminder that the fall songbird migration is kicking into high gear.

And truly OT, if you are ever in Bethel Maine and enjoy well brewed ale, you have to try the Sunday River Brewery's IPA!

Dave Provencher
Naturally New England<>

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From johnmarshall47 at  Tue Aug 30 13:11:40 2011
From: johnmarshall47 at (John Marshall)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 13:11:40 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Milford Pt, Black Tern, Marbled Godwit
Message-ID: <>

from John Marshall:
08/30/11 - Milford Point (noon - high tide) -- BLACK TERN, MARBLED GODWIT, 4

John Marshall

From agriswold at  Tue Aug 30 13:13:08 2011
From: agriswold at (Andy Griswold)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 13:13:08 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Hurricane Report
Message-ID: <EE843014A138D849A1AAC4DA140948DA0156866F1EBC@mail.CAS.local>

From: Andy Griswold
Date: Sunday, August 28, 2011
Location: Cornfield Point, Old Saybrook
Time: 130PM to 5PM
Birds of Note: Sooty Tern (21 adults - 1 juvenile), Parasitic Jaeger (1 light adult), Great Shearwater (1), Manx Shearwater (1 - missing many flight feathers), Red Phalarope (1 - likely more), Wilson's Storm-Petrel (4), Black Tern (1).
Observations: All birds of note, except for the Black Tern, were seen before 3PM heading into a strong east wind. At about 3PM, the wind shifted from the east to the south (then west) and the parade of birds stopped. I suspect that the birds were smelling the sea and willing to expend the energy to get themselves back there despite the incredible effort needed to fly directly into the wind. Once the wind was from the south, they crossed over Long Island with their noses still searching out the direction of the sea. No birds were seen taking advantage of a west tailwind to help them exit the east end of the sound. No maps, just noses.

From pdlqlt at  Tue Aug 30 14:12:03 2011
From: pdlqlt at (Ernest Harris)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 14:12:03 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Cabela's
Message-ID: <>

8/29 c. 9:30AM- UPLAND and SPOTTED SANDPIPERS.( Sorry for delay out of communications since Sunday PM; restored short time ago. Ernie

From pwolter6 at  Tue Aug 30 14:17:59 2011
From: pwolter6 at (pwolter6 at
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 18:17:59 +0000
Subject: [CT Birds] State Parks re-opening?
Message-ID: <>

Has anyone heard when Hammonasset and other state parks will be re-opening
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From szagorski at  Tue Aug 30 14:23:30 2011
From: szagorski at (Zagorski, Sara)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 14:23:30 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] State Parks re-opening?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Here is a list of all the state parks that are open:

Hammonassett SP is open, but not Sherwood Island SP.

Sara Zagorski

-----Original Message-----
From: ctbirds-bounces at
[mailto:ctbirds-bounces at] On Behalf Of
pwolter6 at
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 2:18 PM
To: CT Birds
Subject: [CT Birds] State Parks re-opening?

Has anyone heard when Hammonasset and other state parks will be
re-opening Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association
(COA) for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
For subscription information visit
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From lk06 at  Tue Aug 30 15:12:11 2011
From: lk06 at (lk06)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 12:12:11 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] 4 nighthawks, Indian Neck, Branford 8/29
Message-ID: <>

Last night at 7:38-7:44 pm 4 nighthawks flying above the trees, migrating & feeding. A calm night with neighborhood generators roaring.


From ghanisek at  Tue Aug 30 18:16:32 2011
From: ghanisek at (Greg Hanisek)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 18:16:32 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] LHP Monday
Message-ID: <000801cc6762$798161c0$>

>From Greg Hanisek

8/29 New Haven, Lighthouse Point hawk watch - The park was closed due to tree damage but I was able to walk in.
There was no notable hawk flight while I was there but other migrants included:

58 E. Kingbirds, c 100 Barn Swallows, 1 PURPLE MARTIN, 1 DICKCISSEL, and 600 BOBOLINKS. Surprisingly no hummingbirds.

An intersting movement of Ospreys did not conform to a normal migratory event. A steady trickle of birds came down New Haven harbor, mostly 2 or 3 at a time, and fairly low. They appeared to be birds that had been moved inland by Irene and were making their way back to the coast. I had a total of about 30 following this pattern. When they got out toward the Sound they moved off in random directions as if going to fish. They were moving perpendicular to the normal migratory flight line. I had one Osprey following  that line rather high that appeared to be a migrant.

Corrie Folsom-O'Keefe, who was down by the water, saw a Peregrine Falcon catch a bat. It then took it to one of the lighthouse railings for breakfast.

From nbonomo at  Tue Aug 30 19:23:17 2011
From: nbonomo at (Nick Bonomo)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 19:23:17 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Arctic Tern report?
Message-ID: <>

According to eBird, a person named Zach Smart reported a single Arctic
Tern from Milford Point today. I do not have any information on the
report, but wanted to put it out there.

Also, Julian Hough called to say that the American Avocet is still at
Sandy Pt in West Haven this evening at 7pm.

Nick Bonomo
Wallingford, CT

From dana.l.campbell at  Tue Aug 30 19:21:07 2011
From: dana.l.campbell at (dana.l.campbell at
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 23:21:07 +0000
Subject: [CT Birds] Nighthawks over Hartford
Message-ID: <>

8/30 Hartford - Downtown and Sheldon/Charter Oak Neighborhood - Hundreds of Common Nighthawks swarming and streaming towards the CT River.  From 7:10 to 7:20 I counted over 300 and they are still coming.

Sent from the Verizon network using Mobile Email

From givenrandy at  Tue Aug 30 19:38:48 2011
From: givenrandy at (Randy Given)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 19:38:48 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Common Nighthawks near Merrow Road Park
Message-ID: <>

About 6:15pm, an hour before sunset, we were on our way to the dam at
Eagleville Pond to look for Common Nighthawks. While going down 32, I
saw some overhead. We pulled over (1414 Stafford Road, N41 48.840 W72
18.524) and saw around 25! They were all over. There were swarms of
insects highlighted in the setting sun and they were gobbling them up.

Also saw 2 Red-Tailed Hawks, 4 Eastern Bluebirds, 1 Northern Flicker,
1 Mourning Dove, and around 60 European Starlings.

We continued to Eagleville Pond, but nothing there. We went back to
the first spot. Everything was gone. Wow, we just made the half-hour
window, I guess -- didn't see any falcons looking for dinner, either.

Randy Given

From john.oshlic at  Tue Aug 30 19:49:57 2011
From: john.oshlic at (John Oshlick)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 16:49:57 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Avocet - Sandy Point
Message-ID: <>

Sandy Point - 1 American Avocet in basic plumage. First seen roosting on New Haven side. It then flew out to the sound side near where the breakwater intersects the sandbar. It was still present and feeding at 7:30 when I left.

John Oshlick

Sorry I couldn't get the word out sooner but it was near dark when I found it

From nbonomo at  Tue Aug 30 20:09:21 2011
From: nbonomo at (Nick Bonomo)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 20:09:21 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Fwd: American Avocet, Royal Tern
In-Reply-To: <000001cc675d$1a334990$4e99dcb0$@net>
References: <000001cc675d$1a334990$4e99dcb0$@net>
Message-ID: <>

Thanks to Buzz for this report.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Buzz Devine
Date: Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 5:38 PM
Subject: American Avocet, Royal Tern
To: CTBirdReport at

From:? Buzz Devine

8/30/11 ? West Haven, Sandy? Point --? ?1 AMERICAN AVOCET, ?3 RED KNOT
(without tags), ?1 ROYAL TERN, between 14:00 ? 15:00 hrs.

From mantlik at  Tue Aug 30 20:29:04 2011
From: mantlik at (Frank Mantlik)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 17:29:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] BLack Terns, Black Skimmers
Message-ID: <>

>From Frank Mantlik
8/30  Stratford, Short Beach Park, 7 - 7:30pm - Like last night, lots of gulls,
terns, egrets and cormorants at the mouth of Housatonic River at low tide,
including 2 BLACK TERNS and 2 juvenile BLACK SKIMMERS. ( No sign of the B-N
The park was still closed to vehicles, so I again gained access via the sidewalk
("Wayne's Walk") off Riverdale Dr.  The late afternoon light and calm winds made
for a serene and peaceful setting.

From alexanderburdo at  Tue Aug 30 20:54:34 2011
From: alexanderburdo at (Alexander Burdo)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 20:54:34 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Fairfield
Message-ID: <>

James Purcell and I birded a few spots in Fairfield this morning from around 7:15-11:00 in search of migrants. None of the spots we hit were terribly birdy but we were still able to pull together some good birds including a nice Yellow-bellied Flycatcher at the Birdcraft. Highlights/migrants below:

Birdcraft Sanctuary:

1 YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER--a really nice bird, my first for Fairfield; seen well in the pondside vegetation
17 Gray Catbird
6 Cedar Waxwing
1 Black-throated Green Warbler
1 Prairie Warbler
7 American Redstart
1 Northern Waterthrush
1 Canada Warbler

Lake Mohegan Open Space:

1 Red-eyed Vireo
1 Wilson's Warbler
1 Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Hoyden's Hill Open Space:

1 Pileated Woodpecker
1 Eastern Kingbird
1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
2 American Redstart
5 Common Yellowthroat

Alex Burdo

From jaybrd49 at  Tue Aug 30 21:35:07 2011
From: jaybrd49 at (jaybrd49 at
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 21:35:07 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Request for Reports
Message-ID: <>

 To the Connecticut Birding Community:

What an incredible weekend for birds in Connecticut!  Hurricane Irene provided what was by far the greatest incursion of rarities in a single day in my time as a birder.  Although some may question the sanity of certain individuals staring down a hurricane along the coast, their willingness to brave the elements resulted in a wealth of spectacular reports. Now that the last of the Sooty Terns have likely left us, it is my hope that those who found various shearwaters, petrels, jaegers and other storm driven birds will take pen (or keyboard) in hand and develop detailed reports on their observations. These birders have the opportunity to add immeasurably to our knowledge of Connecticut avifauna, and their reports will go into the archives for future generations of Connecticut birders to study. If you saw any storm driven birds along the coast or inland, I strongly encourage you to send reports to the Avian Records Committee. Reports may be sent to Greg Hanisek, Secretary of the Avian Records Committee of Connecticut (ghanisek at and to Jay Kaplan (jaybrd49 at Additional information on writing reports may be found on the Connecticut Ornithological Association website. This was an unprecedented event and your support is greatly appreciated.

Jay Kaplan, Chair
Avian Records Committee of Connecticut

From elphick at  Tue Aug 30 21:54:58 2011
From: elphick at (Chris Elphick)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 18:54:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Mansfield's storm bird history
Message-ID: <>

Now that power has returned to least our small part of Mansfield, I took the time to read up on past seabird occurrences in the Storrs area.? The Birds of Storrs (Clark 1999 - available from the fine UConn Coop bookstore or from Steve Morytko on behalf of NOS) reports only two species of tern for the area.? Perhaps surprisingly, almost all of the past tern sightings were of black tern.? Who'd have thunk?? The only other tern reported prior to 1999 was - perhaps even harder to guess - sooty tern (one from Eastford in 1876).? In 2003, I also had a common tern.? The other three species seen Sunday - least, Forster's and Caspian - are all new for the Storrs area.?

Leach's storm-petrel is also new for the area, although two unidentified storm-petrels were seen at Mansfield Hollow after Hurricane Belle in Aug 1976.

And, the only phalarope records in the Birds of Storrs are a single Wilson's and a red (boy, I wish ours had been less than half a mile away ....).

So, at least 4 new species for the area, and probably the only time more than 1 species of tern has seen in the area on the same day ... between us we managed 6.

Chris Elphick

Storrs, CT

elphick at

From pfavreau at  Tue Aug 30 23:30:18 2011
From: pfavreau at (pfavreau at
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 23:30:18 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Black Tern, etc
Message-ID: <20110830233018.EB4QU.1546938.imail@eastrmwml44>

from Patrice Favreau:
08/30/11 - Milford Point (midday - high tide) --1 BLACK TERN (basic plumage - first time I've seen one in Basic) , 1 MARBLED GODWIT, 2 or 3 BLACK SKIMMER, 1 Royal Tern, 2 Western Sandpipers among hundreds of Semipalmateds, numbers of Common Tern, Red Knots, Short-billed Dowitcher, Black-bellied Plover, Semi-palmated Plover, Sanderling, Great & Snowy Egrets; Herring, Gr. Black-backed, Ring-billed & Laughing Gulls, 1 Forster's Tern, 2 Long-billed Dowitcher (I'm pretty sure), 1 Osprey, 2 Spotted Sandpipers

From pwolter6 at  Wed Aug 31 06:11:40 2011
From: pwolter6 at (pwolter6 at
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 10:11:40 +0000
Subject: [CT Birds] Tennessee Warblers
Message-ID: <>

8/30/11 Branford, Sybil Creek. 4-7pm. Seen from my deck, Tennessee Warbler 2, Yellow Warbler 1, American Redstart 1, Least Flycatcher 1 all feeding in the trees until the neighbourhood Cooper's Hawk came by at seven then the show ended.

>From Paul Wolter
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From lounsburyd40 at  Wed Aug 31 06:59:54 2011
From: lounsburyd40 at (Joey Lounsbury)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 06:59:54 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Milford Point 8/30
Message-ID: <>

Milford Point 8/30 4:15-6:30

1 Red-breasted Merganser
2 Red Knot
Numerous Semipalmated Plover
Numerous Semipalmated Sandpiper
1 Juv. Black Skimmer
1 Juv. Laughing Gull
1 Black-bellied Plover
1 Willet

My parents did talk to Zach Smart who reported the Arctic Tern. He was about my age (14). I didn't personally talk to him, but I did do a little searching, and all I turned up were Common Terns.

Joey Lounsbury
Danbury, CT.

From pwolter6 at  Wed Aug 31 08:11:55 2011
From: pwolter6 at (pwolter6 at
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:11:55 +0000
Subject: [CT Birds] Sandy Pt Avocet No
Message-ID: <>

This morning from 7 to 8 am walked all the way out on the inside (can no longer cross at low tide) and scoped the beach from the entrance to the breakwater. No Avocet seen,but could be out beyond the far bar. Also not a single tern. Northern Harrier, first of the season

>From Paul Wolter
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From petermgreen at  Wed Aug 31 08:42:58 2011
From: petermgreen at (Tina and Peter Green)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:42:58 +0000
Subject: [CT Birds] Sherwood Island SP Status
Message-ID: <BLU145-W233CF126DCBE26C15D6139AF160@phx.gbl>

Sherwood Island SP is still closed. I spoke with a few park workers this morning and they hope to open tomorrow,Thursday morning,but that is not certain. There were many trees down and Sherwood Point was severely damaged,though the 9/11 Memorial was spared.

8/31/11 -Westport -Compo Beach - a Merlin harassing some ducks on Saugatuck Shores,then continuing west

Tina Green


From Kfinnan at  Wed Aug 31 09:01:25 2011
From: Kfinnan at (Kfinnan at
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 09:01:25 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] N. Parulas Goshen
Message-ID: <>

8/30 in the yard, 2 first fall males

Kevin Finnan

From alexanderburdo at  Wed Aug 31 09:46:11 2011
From: alexanderburdo at (Alexander Burdo)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 09:46:11 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Arctic Tern report?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,

No need to change any plans as this tern ended up being a Common. The short of the long of it is, the observer relied on bill color as the only field mark for the identification, noting that the bird had an all-red bill. However, many Commons loose the black tips by late summer and thus this is what the bird turned out to be.

Alex Burdo
On Aug 30, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Nick Bonomo wrote:

> According to eBird, a person named Zach Smart reported a single Arctic
> Tern from Milford Point today. I do not have any information on the
> report, but wanted to put it out there.
> Also, Julian Hough called to say that the American Avocet is still at
> Sandy Pt in West Haven this evening at 7pm.
> Nick Bonomo
> Wallingford, CT
> _______________________________________________
> This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
> For subscription information visit

From pwolter6 at  Wed Aug 31 11:03:36 2011
From: pwolter6 at (pwolter6 at
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 15:03:36 +0000
Subject: [CT Birds] American Golden Plover at Hammonasset
Message-ID: <>

8/31/11 Madison, Hammonasset State Park 9 am. 2 American Golden Plover in the Nature Center Parking lot. Also 1 immature Tri-Colored Heron in Shell Beach marsh, plus one very bedraggled immature male eider on the beach side. 1 Nothern Harrier, also a juvenile. The Moraine trail is ripped up, passable for some with extreme care. Shell beach is higher and extends into the marsh. West end is closed as boardwalk is damaged.

from Paul Wolter
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From kmueller at  Wed Aug 31 12:02:09 2011
From: kmueller at (kmueller at
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 16:02:09 +0000
Subject: [CT Birds] Hammo Golden Plovers and water relief in killingworth. K
Message-ID: <>

I was finally able to getout for a few hours....still without power but at lest the sump pump has slowed down.  I hope everyone is OK from the storm. There is water truck at the Killingworth circle for Killing worth residents.  If anyone in Killing worth is still stranded and needs any water  let me know.. I will try and help.

As found. and sighted by others and reported by Paul
W.   The pair of Golden Plovers (good close up photos)
were present on the end of the jetty at Meigs with
Common Terns (many banded) and Laughing Gulls.

Keith Mueller
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

From lcrocco at  Wed Aug 31 12:01:57 2011
From: lcrocco at (Louise Crocco)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 12:01:57 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Clapper Rail
Message-ID: <EE843014A138D849A1AAC4DA140948DA015686688401@mail.CAS.local>

While sitting on my deck surrounded by 4 feet of water in Silver Sands in Milford on Sunday, I spotted movement in my large pyracantha. After bringing the spotting scope out, I realized that a Clapper Rail had taken refuge deep within the bush waiting for the water to recede. I don't know how it managed to snuggle into that bush with prickers that are huge and lethal.

Louise M. Crocco, Office Manager
Connecticut Audubon Society
1 Milford Point Road
Milford, CT 06460
(203)878-7440 x502
lcrocco at

From rmharvey at  Wed Aug 31 13:34:51 2011
From: rmharvey at (Roy Harvey)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 10:34:51 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Black-necked Stilt, Baird's Sandpiper, Marbled Godwit,
and American Golden-Plover
Message-ID: <>

Passing this along.

  From:  Buzz Devine
8/31/11 ? Milford, Milford Point ?  1 BLACK-NECKED STILT (at the end of the point),  1 BAIRD?S SANDPIPER (juv. foraging along the beach near the last house on the point), 1 MARBLED GODWIT, 1 AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER,  5 BLACK SKIMMERS (all juv.), and 3+ FORSTER?S TERNS.  All between 10:30 ? 12:00 hrs.

Roy Harvey
Beacon Falls, CT

From gswilliams9 at  Wed Aug 31 13:49:34 2011
From: gswilliams9 at (Glenn Williams)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 10:49:34 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] late storm reports
Message-ID: <>

from Glenn Williams:
8/27 -- Stonington, Barn Island - juvenile WHITE IBIS found by Bob and Maureen Dewire still present
w/ Hank Golet
8/29 -- Lyme, Griswold Point (05:30-12:00) - BROWN PELICANs, 2 ROYAL TERNs, 25-30 BLACK TERN, CASPIAN TERN, WHIMBREL

I did not get out Sunday until after 4pm and seawatched at Ender's Island in Mystic for a while - seeing absolutely nothing.? I guess I was a few hours late.? The goal Monday was to go to Griswold Point predawn to sea-watch and see if anything was coming down the Connecticut River post-hurricane.? I cannot say that anything was exiting from the river, though birds seemed to appear at the point from out of no where.

Glenn Williams

From kbosch at  Wed Aug 31 14:12:57 2011
From: kbosch at (Scott Kruitbosch)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 14:12:57 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] BN Stilt request
Message-ID: <>

Glad it has been relocated in the same area - if it is at/near Short
Beach or Stratford Point please post that or attempt to contact me
ASAP and I will open the latter up for visitors. SFP is easy
parking/walking to Short Beach of course too and free. It may not be
the WTKI but it's a great one.

Scott (still without power)

Sent from my mobile device

Scott Kruitbosch
Stratford, CT

From pwolter6 at  Wed Aug 31 16:04:01 2011
From: pwolter6 at (pwolter6 at
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 20:04:01 +0000
Subject: [CT Birds] Black Necked Stilt
Message-ID: <>

4pm currently visible through scope from tower at the Miford Audobon Center
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

From closcalz at  Wed Aug 31 16:24:43 2011
From: closcalz at (Chris Loscalzo)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 16:24:43 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Sandy Point birds
Message-ID: <>

Sent from my iPhone

From johnrmarshall at  Wed Aug 31 17:32:02 2011
From: johnrmarshall at (John Marshall)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 17:32:02 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Black -necked stic g
Message-ID: <>

Milford pt at the end of the point on the river side - black-necked stilt

Sent from my iPhone

From Asterbunch at  Wed Aug 31 17:36:21 2011
From: Asterbunch at (Bill Asteriades)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 21:36:21 +0000
Subject: [CT Birds] BN Stilt
Message-ID: <>

The BN Stilt continues at Milford Point.  It appears to be best seen during high tide at the end of Milford Point by the river and marsh (can be viewed from the Audubon platform by looking at the far west end by the river.) At low tide, it has been seen on the Sound mudflats and could still be at the end of Milford Point near the river and marsh.

Bill Asteriades
South Glastonbury

Sent from my Droid Charge on Verizon 4GLTE

------Original Message------
From: Scott Kruitbosch <kbosch at>
To: "CTBirds" <ctbirds at>
Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 2:12:57 PM GMT-4
Subject: [CT Birds] BN Stilt request

Glad it has been relocated in the same area - if it is at/near Short
Beach or Stratford Point please post that or attempt to contact me
ASAP and I will open the latter up for visitors. SFP is easy
parking/walking to Short Beach of course too and free. It may not be
the WTKI but it's a great one.

Scott (still without power)

Sent from my mobile device

Scott Kruitbosch
Stratford, CT

This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
For subscription information visit

From htg1523 at  Wed Aug 31 17:40:04 2011
From: htg1523 at (Hank Golet)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 17:40:04 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Old Lyme
Message-ID: <7BCE459413C249EB8286FEC886DB8C74@D5YDTZ61>

>From Hank Golet

Terns are pretty much gone.  Ct River is as brown as I have ever seen it, carrying soil from flooded  fields to the north.  I also only saw a few egrets.  The water is too dirty to see  food.

From melp63 at  Wed Aug 31 17:34:45 2011
From: melp63 at (Melanie Pearson)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 17:34:45 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Lost Barn Owl
Message-ID: <>

I think this has been posted once before but Luna, the Canton Raptor Care's imprinted Barn Owl, is still missing.  I believe she was seen just before Irene in the Burlington/Bristol area but could be anywhere at this point.  If you think you have seen Luna contact Teresa at Canton Raptor Care, 860-693-6255.  More information and her picture can be found at:

Spread the word, the more eyes out there the better!

Melanie Pearson
New Britain

From robballinger at  Wed Aug 31 18:37:24 2011
From: robballinger at (Rob Ballinger)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 18:37:24 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Nighthawk flock - Farmington
Message-ID: <1482e7f0-e531-4669-a14f-05085bc364b5@blur>

40+ Common Nighthawks hawking insects over the driving range on Rt 4.
Presumably eating the flying ants that buzzed around our heads as we mini
golfed.  Nice to see large flocks of these birds.

From elphick at  Wed Aug 31 18:40:58 2011
From: elphick at (elphick at
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 18:40:58 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Nighthawks
Message-ID: <>

c 80 nighthawks heading south along the Willimantic River at Eagleville Lake between 6 and 6:30 this evening.  I can't stay longer but I expect they'll keep coming until dusk ... quite a few swifts too.

From davidprovencher at  Wed Aug 31 18:51:10 2011
From: davidprovencher at (David Provencher)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 18:51:10 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Preston Nighthawks Swallows Swifts
Message-ID: <003001cc6830$94005370$bc00fa50$@net>

Mid-afternoon along Miller Road in Preston there was a large flock of many
hundreds of Tree Swallows with a few Chimney Swifts and Nighthawks feeding
over a vineyard. It's always cool to see Nighthawks in the middle of the

Dave Provencher

Naturally New England


From gwcmeier at  Wed Aug 31 19:35:49 2011
From: gwcmeier at (Gary Meier)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 19:35:49 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Middlebury Swifts and Nighthawks
Message-ID: <>

Had an impressive flock of 40-50 chimney swifts and 10 nighthawks pass
through this afternoon.

From philiprusch at  Wed Aug 31 19:44:02 2011
From: philiprusch at (philiprusch at
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 19:44:02 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Windham Airport Nighthawks  8/31
Message-ID: <>

There was a feeding flock of about 500 Common Nighthawks feeding over
Windham Airport in Windham this evening from 6-7PM.  At least 150 of
them were feeding between the level of the dike and the airport.
Definitely one of the cooler birding moments that I have witnessed.  I
can't remember ever looking at nighthawks from above.
In addition there were 3 American Kestrels hunting grasshoppers.

Phil Rusch

From PJDEGENNARO at  Wed Aug 31 19:51:58 2011
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 19:51:58 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Black-necked Stilt Yes
Message-ID: <>

8/31 - Milford Point - with John Marshall and my dad  Paul - the
BLACK-NECKED STILT continues at the end of the point where  the marsh meets the mouth
of the river. The best way to view this bird is  to walk along the beach
until you come across it, but it can be scoped  from the tower at the Audubon
Center at times. Also, 1-2 White-rumped Sandpipers  and a Peregrine Falcon.
Well, this ends my birding in CT for a while as I'm going off to college
tomorrow. Good luck birding for the fall season everyone.

Peter DeGennaro

From mjwarner at  Wed Aug 31 20:02:06 2011
From: mjwarner at (Mike Warner)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 20:02:06 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Stratford:Long Beach Closed
Message-ID: <73CCE925A2BD4B0D8A5DD72C3318CB0A@OfficePC>


     The DPW crew erecting the new sign said because of the loss of sand on the beach and the amount of sand in the parking lot in which cars were getting stuck, Long Beach will be closed to vehicular traffic until further notice.

Mike Warner
Wilton, CT.

From ghanisek at  Wed Aug 31 21:58:28 2011
From: ghanisek at (Greg Hanisek)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 21:58:28 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Irene crash landing
Message-ID: <000801cc684a$a45fc470$>

Quite a yard bird -

Greg Hanisek

From ghanisek at  Wed Aug 31 22:14:43 2011
From: ghanisek at (Greg Hanisek)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 22:14:43 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Common Nighthawks
Message-ID: <000801cc684c$e9e601b0$>

>From Greg Hanisek

8/31 Waterbury - 7 COMMON NIGHTHAWKS feeding around lighted Republican-American tower

From carriergraphics at  Wed Aug 31 23:36:25 2011
From: carriergraphics at (Carrier Graphics)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 20:36:25 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] migration
Message-ID: <>

Tonight- Wed 31st, from 5:30 to 6, their was some good bird movement in the yard
here-1,000 feet- in Harwinton. I have often commented on how migrating birds
will follow the sun up a Mt in late afternoon on its west side to the top as
they feed and prepare to fly off during the night and migrate on. I believe
tonight was such an event.

 I first noticed bird movement from a Red Cedar tree, then more from a wild
apple tree and large Oak. All were flycatching up from these trees catching
flying insects incl ants. In the half hr without bins, I estimate seeing 100
plus warblers pass through. Most were Immature

BT Green Warblers and
Redstarts, but some i separated out were:
BT Blues
Yellow-Rumps - third in number
1-Black & White
1 - Magnolia
1 - Im Bay-breasted or Blackpoll

Also were some Blue-headed Vireo within and about 100 plus Knighthawks and many
C Swifts all going due North!

I also visited earlier at Bakersville Swamp seeing only 2 Kingbirds, many
Cedar Waxwing and
1 - Yellow-bellied Flycatcher

This morn at Colebrook reservoir it was dead, seeing only 4 C Merganser! Didn't
search much, but in the woods it was extremely dead, indicating to me most birds
were staging together somewhere other than were I was. This reservoir which is
lowered very much down in late summer, was completely full from the rains of
Irene! No shorebirds will be putting down here in the mud this fall.

But for me, I would say, migration has begun............Paul Carrier

From ctredbird2 at  Thu Sep  1 00:42:46 2011
From: ctredbird2 at (Jamie Meyers)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 04:42:46 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: [CT Birds] More nighthawk stuff
Message-ID: <>

The last two days I haven't been specifically birding, but I'm always birding in one way, shape or form.  I noticed what seemed to be more mid-afternoon nighthawk action than usual during migration both yesterday and today.  On a trip from canton to Norwich for a baseball game this afternoon I had several smallish groups over rt. 2 in Glastonbury and Marlborough then again in Franklin.  When I arrived at Dodd Stadium for the game, around 5:45 or so there was a massive group of Tree Swallows with a number of nighthawks mixed in.  What I found interesting is that the group dispersed pretty quickly thereafter, and I only noticed one nighthawk during the game, flying south in twilight around 7:20 or so.  I often see them in the last hour or so of daylight more, and if I happen to be at a late August ballgame I usually see a few hunting in the lights of the stadium during the game.  I had two doing that at a game in New Britain last week sometime but that's all for that activity this August.

Obviously a heavy movement of this gorgeous species over the past two afternoons.  I would say that I encountered about a dozen smallish groups in my travels yesterday and today, spread out fairly evenly across the state.  I've noted a few of the other reports have been of very large flocks, which has not been my personal experience this week.  Glad to see that others are seeing them in huge numbers.

Jamie Meyers
Canton, CT

From mantlik at  Thu Sep  1 06:55:06 2011
From: mantlik at (Frank Mantlik)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 03:55:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] More nighthawk stuff
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

And my experience is that this season I've seen a grand total of one (1)
nighthawk so far.  It was over my house at the end of the Hurricane day.  I
usually would have seen numerous small to medium flocks over my house and/or
along the I-95 corridor during my drive home from work, by now.
It seems the largest numbers have mostly been in northern CT (with the exception
of Greenwich) , and often they've been feeding on winged insects.
Many years ago, I once counted 500 migrating through the Norwalk shoreline from
my deck.

Frank Mantlik

From: Jamie Meyers <ctredbird2 at>
To: ctbirds <ctbirds at>
Sent: Thu, September 1, 2011 12:42:46 AM
Subject: [CT Birds] More nighthawk stuff

The last two days I haven't been specifically birding, but I'm always birding in
one way, shape or form.  I noticed what seemed to be more mid-afternoon
nighthawk action than usual during migration both yesterday and today.  On a
trip from canton to Norwich for a baseball game this afternoon I had several
smallish groups over rt. 2 in Glastonbury and Marlborough then again in
Franklin.  When I arrived at Dodd Stadium for the game, around 5:45 or so there
was a massive group of Tree Swallows with a number of nighthawks mixed in.  What
I found interesting is that the group dispersed pretty quickly thereafter, and I
only noticed one nighthawk during the game, flying south in twilight around 7:20
or so.  I often see them in the last hour or so of daylight more, and if I
happen to be at a late August ballgame I usually see a few hunting in the lights
of the stadium during the game.  I had two doing that at a game in New Britain
last week sometime but that's all for that activity this August.

Obviously a heavy movement of this gorgeous species over the past two
afternoons.  I would say that I encountered about a dozen smallish groups in my
travels yesterday and today, spread out fairly evenly across the state.  I've
noted a few of the other reports have been of very large flocks, which has not
been my personal experience this week.  Glad to see that others are seeing them
in huge numbers.

Jamie Meyers
Canton, CT
This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) for
the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
For subscription information visit

From semismart9 at  Thu Sep  1 08:12:40 2011
From: semismart9 at (semismart9 at
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 08:12:40 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] LHPP help for 9-6
Message-ID: <>

Due to changes in School Starting time for Oxford, first day of school for my grandchildren is now Tuesday, September 6th. That is my normal Lighthouse day. I will be in Oxford to see the kids off. Have not missed an opening day for years. Need someone to pick up my day.


Bill Banks

From paul.desjardins2 at  Thu Sep  1 08:22:29 2011
From: paul.desjardins2 at (Paul Desjardins)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 08:22:29 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] More Nighthawk Stuff
Message-ID: <>

Like Frank i also have seen only one Common Nighthawk thus far and this was from my yard in Windsor Locks. i don't
normally see a lot from here but by this time there should have been more. Of course the amount i see is based on
the track they take and in this regard i believe we miss a lot of them in Connecticut despite the large numbers having
already gone through since a friend of mine in Northampton, Massachusetts sees large numbers going due west of him
and so we are missing these.

From Leslie.Meredith at  Thu Sep  1 09:05:47 2011
From: Leslie.Meredith at (Meredith, Leslie)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 09:05:47 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] American Redstart pair at Greens Farms Station
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

This morning and for the previous 2, feeding at the tops of trees.

-----Original Message-----
From: ctbirds-bounces at [mailto:ctbirds-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jamie Meyers
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 12:43 AM
To: ctbirds
Subject: [CT Birds] More nighthawk stuff

The last two days I haven't been specifically birding, but I'm always birding in one way, shape or form.  I noticed what seemed to be more mid-afternoon nighthawk action than usual during migration both yesterday and today.  On a trip from canton to Norwich for a baseball game this afternoon I had several smallish groups over rt. 2 in Glastonbury and Marlborough then again in Franklin.  When I arrived at Dodd Stadium for the game, around 5:45 or so there was a massive group of Tree Swallows with a number of nighthawks mixed in.  What I found interesting is that the group dispersed pretty quickly thereafter, and I only noticed one nighthawk during the game, flying south in twilight around 7:20 or so.  I often see them in the last hour or so of daylight more, and if I happen to be at a late August ballgame I usually see a few hunting in the lights of the stadium during the game.  I had two doing that at a game in New Britain last week sometime but that's all for that activity this August.

Obviously a heavy movement of this gorgeous species over the past two afternoons.  I would say that I encountered about a dozen smallish groups in my travels yesterday and today, spread out fairly evenly across the state.  I've noted a few of the other reports have been of very large flocks, which has not been my personal experience this week.  Glad to see that others are seeing them in huge numbers.

Jamie Meyers
Canton, CT
This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
For subscription information visit

From binskeep at  Thu Sep  1 09:07:39 2011
From: binskeep at (B Inskeep)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 13:07:39 +0000
Subject: [CT Birds] Cove Island Wildlife Sanctuary, Stamford
Message-ID: <>

9/1/11 6:00-9:00 am - Cove Island Wildlife Sanctuary in part with Patrick Dugan and Dave Winston, fairly quiet, but some nice species: Warbling Vireo (1), Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Mourning Warbler (1), American Redstart (pair), Wilson's Warbler (1), Northern Waterthrush (2), Yellow-breasted Chat (1),  Least Flycatcher (1), 600 Bobolinks in multiple groups flying south.

Also 8/31/11 4:30-6:30 pm - Quaker Ridge, Greenwich Audubon, in part with Luke Tiller, there was a nice movement of Common Nighthawks and Chimney Swifts, many directly overhead. I wasn't counting but estimate at least 60. The area was still without power which apparently might not be restored until next week.

Brenda Inskeep in Stamford

From hobbitsmama at  Thu Sep  1 09:34:51 2011
From: hobbitsmama at (Denise Davies)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 06:34:51 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Shearwater?
Message-ID: <>

On Sunday evening I went down to the beach in New London and saw what I believe
was a Greater Shearwater. I took some photos, though they are not particularly
great, I am hoping someone will be willing to take a look.
Here is the link to one photo. There are 4 in all.

Not in CT but I was also wondering if someone would be willing to take a look at
a photo I took in Florida in March. I believe they are Stilt Sandpipers but
would love any feedback. Here is a link to that photograph.

Thank you so much!
hobbitsmama at

From paul.desjardins2 at  Thu Sep  1 11:58:11 2011
From: paul.desjardins2 at (Paul Desjardins)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 11:58:11 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] East Windsor
Message-ID: <>

This morning at the Flaherty Wildlife Management Area one Orchard Oriole. in over 52 years of birding this is my first
September record!

From petermgreen at  Thu Sep  1 12:07:37 2011
From: petermgreen at (Tina and Peter Green)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 16:07:37 +0000
Subject: [CT Birds] Sherwood Island SP Status
Message-ID: <BLU145-W66CF4D33277B4C7672BD2AF190@phx.gbl>

Sherwood Island SP is closed and they are unable to say when it will reopen.

Tina Green


From skruitbosch at  Thu Sep  1 12:08:36 2011
From: skruitbosch at (Scott  Kruitbosch)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 12:08:36 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Belated AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN 8/29, Fairfield
Message-ID: <EE843014A138D849A1AAC4DA140948DA0156866A2FC0@mail.CAS.local>

CAS staff received a report literally 15 minutes ago of an early Monday evening sighting of an AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. It came from Stephanie Carrow who was birdwatching and kayaking in Ash Creek in Fairfield. That is all the information we have. Just another to add to the Irene list...

I now have power and access to the internet beyond my very taxed BlackBerry! I will take some time to post something later on about the last several days, though most has been mentioned already by myself or others. There are no mega reports coming, don't worry, just a huge tally and some thoughts on a thrilling week of birds.

Scott Kruitbosch
Conservation Technician
Connecticut Audubon Society
2325 Burr St.
Fairfield, CT 06824
CAS blog:
CAS Twitter:
Email: skruitbosch at

From szagorski at  Thu Sep  1 13:07:39 2011
From: szagorski at (Zagorski, Sara)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 13:07:39 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] American avocet, milford pt
Message-ID: <>

Denise Jernigan called (1:00 pm) to say that there is an AMERICAN AVOCET at milford point, next to the Black-necked Stilt, both found by Mike Warner. They are all away around the point where the marshes are, possibly viewable from the tower.

Sara Zagorski
This message contains PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION intended solely for
the use of the addressee(s) named above.  Any disclosure, distribution, copying or use of the
information by others is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this message in error, please
notify the sender by immediate reply and delete the original message.  Thank you.

From sean at  Thu Sep  1 14:01:59 2011
From: sean at (sean at
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 14:01:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] N. Waterthrush, Grass Island Greenwich
Message-ID: <>

My first-of-season NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH was at Grass Island in Greenwich harbor today at lunchtime.  It was in the swampy woods on the Western side of the "island", which are currently more swampy than usual.  It surprised me, as things were otherwise quiet (except for the mosquitoes!).  A GREEN HERON continues in the little cove behind the Yacht Club and LAUGHING GULLS are concentrating as usual this time of year throughout the harbor.  Quite a few OSPREY too.

-Sean Murtha

From careydavid at  Thu Sep  1 14:21:34 2011
From: careydavid at (David Carey)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 14:21:34 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Birds and other winged creatures
Message-ID: <>

After Irene it seemed oddly quiet around my yard ( Haddam)  Don't know if the birds were blown away, in shock or just afraid of all the noise from the multiple generators. But another winged creature showed up yesterday afternoon; dragon flies, and lots of them, 100+. Just hovering all over the yard. Never have seen that many at one time and I wondered if the drone of the generators had as much of an affect on attracting them as it may have on driving the birds away???

Sent from my iPhone

From htg1523 at  Thu Sep  1 14:38:43 2011
From: htg1523 at (Hank Golet)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 14:38:43 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Old Lyme
Message-ID: <F3B848B3A4804F95A6AFB1DE2DB0648D@D5YDTZ61>

>From Hank Golet

From kbosch at  Thu Sep  1 14:41:42 2011
From: kbosch at (Scott Kruitbosch)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 14:41:42 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Milford Point petrel species
Message-ID: <>

So I am told, keep an eye out here! Stilt and Avocet both near end of
Smith's Point.

Sent from my mobile device

Scott Kruitbosch
Stratford, CT

From kbosch at  Thu Sep  1 15:00:12 2011
From: kbosch at (Scott Kruitbosch)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 15:00:12 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Cancel petrel at Milford Point
Message-ID: <>

But these two biggies remain plus Baird's and Western Sandpipers and 2
Western Willet per Mike Warner, Steve Spector, Tina Green, et al. All
birds still offering good looks.

Sent from my mobile device

Scott Kruitbosch
Stratford, CT

From cfolsom-okeefe at  Thu Sep  1 15:27:40 2011
From: cfolsom-okeefe at (Folsom-O'Keefe, Corrie)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 12:27:40 -0700
Subject: [CT Birds] Bobolinks at Old Meriden Landfill
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <D180D9CFEF67814EA3197C049C4B0441171872ED@VA3DIAXVS6B1.RED001.local>

8/31/11, Landfill in Meriden across from Airport, 7:30am, 10+ Bobolinks were in the grasses/brush.

8/30, 1 nighthawk over my house in Meriden.

Corrie Folsom-O'Keefe

Meriden, CT

From davidprovencher at  Thu Sep  1 15:37:18 2011
From: davidprovencher at (David Provencher)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 15:37:18 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Deceased Royal Tern Waterford
Message-ID: <001201cc68de$9068afb0$b13a0f10$@net>

While taking the girls walking at Harkness Memorial State Park in Waterford
this afternoon I discovered a deceased Royal Tern in the wrack, not
salvageable as a specimen unfortunately. Only other notable birds were Brown
Thrasher and Roseate Tern.

Dave Provencher

Naturally New England


From jbudrow at  Thu Sep  1 15:53:01 2011
From: jbudrow at (Joseph Budrow)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 12:53:01 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Deceased Royal Tern Waterford
In-Reply-To: <001201cc68de$9068afb0$b13a0f10$@net>
Message-ID: <>

Rest in Peace little guy. :(

--- On Thu, 9/1/11, David Provencher <davidprovencher at> wrote:

From: David Provencher <davidprovencher at>
Subject: [CT Birds] Deceased Royal Tern Waterford
To: "CTBirds" <ctbirds at>
Date: Thursday, September 1, 2011, 3:37 PM

While taking the girls walking at Harkness Memorial State Park in Waterford
this afternoon I discovered a deceased Royal Tern in the wrack, not
salvageable as a specimen unfortunately. Only other notable birds were Brown
Thrasher and Roseate Tern.

Dave Provencher

Naturally New England


This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
For subscription information visit

From kbosch at  Thu Sep  1 15:56:23 2011
From: kbosch at (Scott Kruitbosch)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 15:56:23 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Right now found by Tina Green about an hour ago as we looked through
the bar. Go to the LIS platform and search terns. Confirmed by my
photo I sent to Nick after we studied it awhile. Great looks Tina
strikes again! I'll post photo later.

Sent from my mobile device

Scott Kruitbosch
Stratford, CT

From PCOMINS at  Thu Sep  1 16:18:14 2011
From: PCOMINS at (Comins, Patrick)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 13:18:14 -0700
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Does that make 11 species of tern this week?  Has that ever happened before?

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 1, 2011, at 3:56 PM, "Scott Kruitbosch" <kbosch at> wrote:

> Right now found by Tina Green about an hour ago as we looked through
> the bar. Go to the LIS platform and search terns. Confirmed by my
> photo I sent to Nick after we studied it awhile. Great looks Tina
> strikes again! I'll post photo later.
> --
> Sent from my mobile device
> Scott Kruitbosch
> Stratford, CT
> _______________________________________________
> This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
> For subscription information visit

From davidprovencher at  Thu Sep  1 16:59:43 2011
From: davidprovencher at (David Provencher)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 16:59:43 -0400
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <001e01cc68ea$2007f490$6017ddb0$@net>

I'm pretty sure that is a first. What did we miss, Arctic? After that we'd
need a Noody or an Elegant or a Whiskered...

Dave Provencher

Naturally New England

-----Original Message-----
From: ctbirds-bounces at
[mailto:ctbirds-bounces at] On Behalf Of Comins, Patrick
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 4:18 PM
To: Scott Kruitbosch
Cc: CTBirds

Does that make 11 species of tern this week?  Has that ever happened before?

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 1, 2011, at 3:56 PM, "Scott Kruitbosch" <kbosch at> wrote:

> Right now found by Tina Green about an hour ago as we looked through
> the bar. Go to the LIS platform and search terns. Confirmed by my
> photo I sent to Nick after we studied it awhile. Great looks Tina
> strikes again! I'll post photo later.
> --
> Sent from my mobile device
> Scott Kruitbosch
> Stratford, CT
> _______________________________________________
> This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA)
for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
> For subscription information visit
This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA)
for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
For subscription information visit

From nbonomo at  Thu Sep  1 17:06:04 2011
From: nbonomo at (Nick Bonomo)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 17:06:04 -0400
In-Reply-To: <001e01cc68ea$2007f490$6017ddb0$@net>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I don't recall a Sandwich Tern with this storm, though maybe I'm
suffering from information overload.

Nick Bonomo

On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 4:59 PM, David Provencher
<davidprovencher at> wrote:
> I'm pretty sure that is a first. What did we miss, Arctic? After that we'd
> need a Noody or an Elegant or a Whiskered...
> Dave Provencher
> Naturally New England
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ctbirds-bounces at
> [mailto:ctbirds-bounces at] On Behalf Of Comins, Patrick
> Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 4:18 PM
> To: Scott Kruitbosch
> Cc: CTBirds
> Does that make 11 species of tern this week? ?Has that ever happened before?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Sep 1, 2011, at 3:56 PM, "Scott Kruitbosch" <kbosch at> wrote:
>> Right now found by Tina Green about an hour ago as we looked through
>> the bar. Go to the LIS platform and search terns. Confirmed by my
>> photo I sent to Nick after we studied it awhile. Great looks Tina
>> strikes again! I'll post photo later.
>> --
>> Sent from my mobile device
>> Scott Kruitbosch
>> Stratford, CT
>> _______________________________________________
>> This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA)
> for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
>> For subscription information visit
> _______________________________________________
> This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA)
> for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
> For subscription information visit
> _______________________________________________
> This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
> For subscription information visit

From cfolsom-okeefe at  Thu Sep  1 17:13:12 2011
From: cfolsom-okeefe at (Folsom-O'Keefe, Corrie)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 14:13:12 -0700
Subject: [CT Birds] State Parks Open for Free over Labor Day Weekend
Message-ID: <D180D9CFEF67814EA3197C049C4B0441171873A7@VA3DIAXVS6B1.RED001.local>

CT State Parks access fee will be waived over Labor Day Weekend.
See for more details.

Corrie Folosom-O'Keefe

IBA Coordinator

Audubon Connecticut

From davidprovencher at  Thu Sep  1 17:13:42 2011
From: davidprovencher at (David Provencher)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 17:13:42 -0400
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <> <> <001e01cc68ea$2007f490$6017ddb0$@net>
Message-ID: <001f01cc68ec$075ae630$1610b290$@net>

Information overload for me too. I thought there was a Sandwich reported
from CT but I may be thinking of NY or RI. The RI list posted "crippling"
(as the Brits say) photos of a Sandwich Tern. One miss for CT was
Tropicbird. One or two were reported from the Quabbin in central Mass. That
bird had to have been blown across CT.

Dave Provencher

Naturally New England

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Bonomo [mailto:nbonomo at]
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 5:06 PM
To: David Provencher
Cc: Comins, Patrick; Scott Kruitbosch; CTBirds

I don't recall a Sandwich Tern with this storm, though maybe I'm
suffering from information overload.

Nick Bonomo


From nbonomo at  Thu Sep  1 17:23:14 2011
From: nbonomo at (Nick Bonomo)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 17:23:14 -0400
In-Reply-To: <001f01cc68ec$075ae630$1610b290$@net>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

In total this storm produced double-digit WT Tropicbirds, most alive
and apparently well, from NJ/DE to New Hampshire. New Hampshire's was
picked up weakened and soon died apparently. I'm a bit surprised
nobody hit the jackpot with that one, but overall CT did very, very,
very well with this storm (in the bird department) despite a slightly
further west landfall than might have been expected.

I think we also may have missed the boat with the inland bodies of
water closest to the storm's track. I wonder if any large bodies in
the Salisbury area were birded hard during and immediately after the
storm, when the rarities were being seen. This is where the center of
circulation passed over CT. That's probably where a tropicbird would
have been most likely.


On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 5:13 PM, David Provencher
<davidprovencher at> wrote:
> Information overload for me too. I thought there was a Sandwich reported
> from CT but I may be thinking of NY or RI. The RI list posted "crippling"
> (as the Brits say) photos of a Sandwich Tern. One miss for CT was
> Tropicbird. One or two were reported from the Quabbin in central Mass. That
> bird had to have been blown across CT.
> Dave Provencher
> Naturally New England
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Bonomo [mailto:nbonomo at]
> Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 5:06 PM
> To: David Provencher
> Cc: Comins, Patrick; Scott Kruitbosch; CTBirds
> I don't recall a Sandwich Tern with this storm, though maybe I'm
> suffering from information overload.
> Nick Bonomo

From nbonomo at  Thu Sep  1 17:43:40 2011
From: nbonomo at (Nick Bonomo)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 17:43:40 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] extralimital: Magnificent Frigatebird on CT River in New
Message-ID: <>

See below. Could conceivably follow the river south through Connecticut.


Subject: Magnificent Frigatebird in Hanover!!!!!!!!
From: Steve Mirick <smirick AT>
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2011 17:39:38 -0400

I just received a 2nd hand report from Marshall Iliff, that Spencer
Hardy texted him to report a Magnificent Frigatebird along the
Connecticut River in Hanover.  Presumably very recently.  Possibly this
bird might follow the river southward, so this is a heads up to all
birders in the river valley to get out this evening or tomorrow morning.

This, like the tropicbird, would be a first state record.

Steve Mirick
Bradford, MA

From szagorski at  Thu Sep  1 17:46:13 2011
From: szagorski at (Zagorski, Sara)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 17:46:13 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Brown Pelican milford pt
Message-ID: <>

Being seen on sandbar now! 5:45 pm
This message contains PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION intended solely for
the use of the addressee(s) named above.  Any disclosure, distribution, copying or use of the
information by others is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this message in error, please
notify the sender by immediate reply and delete the original message.  Thank you.

From skruitbosch at  Thu Sep  1 17:46:24 2011
From: skruitbosch at (Scott  Kruitbosch)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 17:46:24 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] GULL-BILLED TERN photo/status
Message-ID: <EE843014A138D849A1AAC4DA140948DA0156866A2FCB@mail.CAS.local>

On the tern count, no Sandwich this week in my tired brain...but this *YEAR* in the Housatonic alone I've had Common, Least, Forster's, Roseate, Black, Sooty, Bridled, Sandwich, Caspian, Royal, and Gull-billed. 11. Whoa!

Here is the now infamous Gull-billed Tern photo via my BlackBerry:

Plus a couple bad ones of the BN Stilt and Avocet. This is the only Gull-billed Tern shot besides a few poor previous digiscope attempts by me prior to my departure at ~4:50. We could not relocate it shortly after I posted; the terns come up a lot of course and there are many shorebirds and gulls out there, a Peregrine, plus some of terns are coming off of the group to go feed elsewhere as the tide drops.

Keep searching there and around the mouth of the river and keep it coming my friends. I guess I'll summarize my sightings when this finally calms down, hopefully not for a week or two. Our options are seemingly limitless right now.

Scott Kruitbosch
Conservation Technician
Connecticut Audubon Society
2325 Burr St.
Fairfield, CT 06824
CAS blog:
CAS Twitter:
Email: skruitbosch at

From skruitbosch at  Thu Sep  1 17:47:11 2011
From: skruitbosch at (Scott  Kruitbosch)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 17:47:11 -0400
Message-ID: <EE843014A138D849A1AAC4DA140948DA0156866A2FCC@mail.CAS.local>

Seriously, on the bar on the Milford side on the LIS via a call from Tina Green literally as I type this, wow!!!

Scott Kruitbosch
Conservation Technician
Connecticut Audubon Society
2325 Burr St.
Fairfield, CT 06824
CAS blog:
CAS Twitter:
Email: skruitbosch at

From robben99 at  Thu Sep  1 17:53:55 2011
From: robben99 at (Thomas Robben)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 17:53:55 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] COMING DOWN THE CT RIVER: Magnificent Frigatebird
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> HEADS-UP, literally!!!
> Tom Robben
> Glastonbury CT
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Steve Mirick <smirick at>
> Date: Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 5:39 PM
> Subject: Magnificent Frigatebird in Hanover!!!!!!!!
> To: "NH.Birds" <nhbirds at>
> I just received a 2nd hand report from Marshall Iliff, that Spencer Hardy
> texted him to report a Magnificent Frigatebird along the Connecticut River
> in Hanover.  Presumably very recently.  Possibly this bird might follow the
> river southward, so this is a heads up to all birders in the river valley to
> get out this evening or tomorrow morning.
> This, like the tropicbird, would be a first state record.
> Steve Mirick
> Bradford, MA
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "NHBirds" group.
> To post to this group, send email to nhbirds at
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to nhbirds+unsubscribe@**
> <nhbirds%2Bunsubscribe at>.
> For more options, visit this group at**
> group/nhbirds?hl=en <>.

From cfolsom-okeefe at  Thu Sep  1 17:07:03 2011
From: cfolsom-okeefe at (Folsom-O'Keefe, Corrie)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 14:07:03 -0700
Subject: [CT Birds] State Parks Open for Free over Labor Day Weekend
Message-ID: <D180D9CFEF67814EA3197C049C4B0441171873A2@VA3DIAXVS6B1.RED001.local>

See below, CT State Park fees will be waived Labor Day weekend.

Corrie Folsom-O'Keefe

IBA Coordinator

Audubon CT

State Parks and Beaches Open for Free Friday Through Monday
At Direction of Governor Malloy
DEEP says more parks opening as storm recovery efforts move forward

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) says admission to state parks and beaches that are open for the Labor Day holiday weekend will be free.

"At the direction of Governor Malloy we are waiving admission fees for the holiday weekend -
starting Friday -  and opening our gates to park visitors free of charge," said DEEP Commissioner Daniel C. Esty.  "We know there are still many residents of our state waiting for the power to come back on and still working to recover from the storm.  But, we hope that as many people as possible will take advantage of the Governor's offer and get outside to enjoy a relaxing day at one of our parks over the holiday."

"With the hard work of DEEP park staff, I am pleased to note that close to 50 state parks and several of our campgrounds have already reopened," Commissioner Esty said.  "In addition, we are also reopening eight state park beaches today as a result of good results we received from water quality tests."

The free admission to state parks and beaches applies only through Labor Day and does not apply to state park campgrounds, where normal camping fees will be charged.  At some parks that are open, some services may not be available and some areas will be marked as off limits  due to storm damage

A complete list of state parks, state park beaches and state park campgrounds that are open is  available at:<>.  The list is updated several times a day as power comes on, damage is cleared and parks are deemed safe to reopen.

Among the state parks currently open across Connecticut, are Hammonasset Beach, Peoples State Forest, Squantz Pond, Stratton Brook, and Fort Trumbull State Park.

Rocky Neck State Park and the beach there is expected to open tomorrow at noon.  The campground will open at 1 p.m. The campground at Hammonasset will also open at that time.

Other campgrounds that are open include Devil's Hopyard, Hopeville Pond, Kettletown and River Camping Sites at River Highlands, Gillette, Hurd, and Selden Neck Island State Parks.
Advance recommendations for camping this weekend are necessary for most locations.   Reservation can be made online at<>

Eight of the 23 state park beach swim areas are also open.  They are Gay City, Burr Pond, Hammonasset Beach, Lake Waramaug, Mt. Tom, Pattaconk, Squantz Pond, Stratton Brook

With additional water quality test results expected tomorrow, it is possible additional beaches will be open for the weekend.

DEEP reminds state park beach-goers to be aware that with summer winding down and many lifeguards going back to school there may be a reduced number of lifeguards at some locations this weekend.

Dennis Schain
Communications Director
Conn. Dept. of Energy & Environmental Protection
Phone:  860-424-3110
Cell:   860-462-3468
Fax:    860-424-4053
dennis.schain at

From robben99 at  Thu Sep  1 17:50:59 2011
From: robben99 at (Thomas Robben)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 17:50:59 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] COMING DOWN THE CT RIVER: Magnificent Frigatebird
Message-ID: <>

HEADS-UP, literally!!!

Tom Robben
Glastonbury CT

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steve Mirick <smirick at>
Date: Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 5:39 PM
Subject: Magnificent Frigatebird in Hanover!!!!!!!!
To: "NH.Birds" <nhbirds at>

I just received a 2nd hand report from Marshall Iliff, that Spencer Hardy
texted him to report a Magnificent Frigatebird along the Connecticut River
in Hanover.  Presumably very recently.  Possibly this bird might follow the
river southward, so this is a heads up to all birders in the river valley to
get out this evening or tomorrow morning.

This, like the tropicbird, would be a first state record.

Steve Mirick
Bradford, MA

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"NHBirds" group.
To post to this group, send email to nhbirds at
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to nhbirds+unsubscribe@** <nhbirds%2Bunsubscribe at>.
For more options, visit this group at**
group/nhbirds?hl=en <>.

From kbosch at  Thu Sep  1 18:27:27 2011
From: kbosch at (Scott Kruitbosch)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 18:27:27 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Brown Pelican update
Message-ID: <>

It is sitting on a bar in the mouth of the Housatonic in the middle
large one. You can likely see it from Stratford well and Milford of

Sent from my mobile device

Scott Kruitbosch
Stratford, CT

From dave at  Thu Sep  1 18:38:15 2011
From: dave at (Dave Rosgen)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 18:38:15 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Philadelphia Vireo in Litchfield;
Common Nighthawks in Winchester
Message-ID: <000001cc68f7$d8319280$8894b780$>

>From Dave Rosgen:

9/1/11 - Litchfield, White Hall Rd. (White Memorial's Mattatuck Trail at
Chickadee Bridge) - 1 PHILADELPHIA VIREO at 6:15 p.m.

(White Memorial's Interpretive Trail) - 2 family groups of Brown Creepers
totaling 9 birds

(White Memorial's Ongley Pond Trail) - 1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker; 1 Common
Nighthawk overhead

>From Dave Rosgen, w/ Carol, Paul & Paul James Parent, et. al.:

8/31/11 - Winchester, Laurel Way - 139 Common Nighthawks passed overhead
between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m.; Also, family groups of 4 Common Ravens, 3
Blackburnian Warblers, & 3 Purple Finches at Rosgen Wildlife Sanctuary

Platt Hill Rd. (Platt Hill S.P.) - 59 Common Nighthawks passed overhead
between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.

From ablock22168 at  Thu Sep  1 19:25:47 2011
From: ablock22168 at (Andrew Block)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 16:25:47 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Gull-billed Tern, Avocet, Stilt,
& Bonapartes Gull at MIlford Pt.
Message-ID: <>

9/1/11 - Milford Pt., Milford, CT
Observers:? Andrew Block
Time:?3pm to 5:30pm
many Double-crested Cormorants
6+ Great Egrets
12+ Snowy Egrets
2 Yellow-crowned Night-Herons
many Black-bellied Plovers
many Semipalmated Plovers
3 American Oystercatchers
4 Spotted Sandpipers
several Ruddy Turnstones
several Sanderlings
many Least Sandpipers
many Semipalmated Sandpipers
several Short-billed Dowitchers
all of the usual gulls
all the usual terns
3 Monk Parakeets
I knew I'd miss the pelican and by only a few minutes!? I'll get it someday.

Andrew v. F. Block
Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist
37 Tanglewylde Avenue
Bronxville, Westchester Co., New York 10708-3131
Phone: 914-337-1229;?Fax: 914-771-8036

From mjwarner at  Thu Sep  1 19:41:39 2011
From: mjwarner at (Mike Warner)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2011 19:41:39 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Milford; Many Birds
Message-ID: <F4672988EA7644F89FE6DF0508B59B61@OfficePC>

9/1/11  Milford Point -  American Avocet, Black-necked Stilt, Bairds Sandpiper, Western Sandpiper, Gull-billed Tern, Forsters Tern, Bonapartes Gull.

     Most of the day was spent at Milford Point today and I saw some very unique birds, some for the first time.  Many thanks to all the birders present today, it was quite a day.  More and more birds kept arriving and I too just missed seeing the Brown Pelican.  Currently, there are many species and numbers of birds there.

Mike Warner
Wilton, CT.

From robben99 at  Thu Sep  1 20:21:06 2011
From: robben99 at (Thomas Robben)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 20:21:06 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] COMING DOWN THE CT RIVER: MAYBE a Frigatebird
Message-ID: <>

Since the initial alert today,  the first-hand viewer of the alleged
Frigatebird has provided his first written report, and in it he expresses a
reduced certainty of his own identification of the bird.

If you go to this location with your browser...
you can read his own first hand report, as of 6:54pm, and decide for
yourself if you want to monitor the CT river tomorrow morning.

This second-hand report initially came to us via Marshall Iliff and Steve
Mirick, who are both absolutely TOP birders, which is why we jumped on
Steve's post so quickly. This still might be a frigatebird, but at this
point we just dont know. Given the number of rare birds caused by Irene
since sunday, anything is possible!

Tom Robben
Glastonbury CT

On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 5:53 PM, Thomas Robben <robben99 at> wrote:

> HEADS-UP, literally!!!
>> Tom Robben
>> Glastonbury CT
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Steve Mirick <smirick at>
>> Date: Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 5:39 PM
>> Subject: Magnificent Frigatebird in Hanover!!!!!!!!
>> To: "NH.Birds" <nhbirds at>
>> I just received a 2nd hand report from Marshall Iliff, that Spencer Hardy
>> texted him to report a Magnificent Frigatebird along the Connecticut River
>> in Hanover.  Presumably very recently.  Possibly this bird might follow the
>> river southward, so this is a heads up to all birders in the river valley to
>> get out this evening or tomorrow morning.
>> This, like the tropicbird, would be a first state record.
>> Steve Mirick
>> Bradford, MA
>> --
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "NHBirds" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to nhbirds at
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to nhbirds+unsubscribe@**
>> <nhbirds%2Bunsubscribe at>.
>> For more options, visit this group at**
>> group/nhbirds?hl=en <>.

From skruitbosch at  Thu Sep  1 20:49:48 2011
From: skruitbosch at (Scott  Kruitbosch)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 20:49:48 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Brown Pelican record shots/information
Message-ID: <EE843014A138D849A1AAC4DA140948DA0156866A2FCF@mail.CAS.local>

I added a couple rough Brown Pelican record shots once again via BlackBerry/scope to the end of the Gull-billed Tern photo post:

Around sunset we saw the Brown Pelican fishing off Stratford Point and sitting on bars near it. I would guess this is the best area to start tomorrow, but any vantage point of the Housatonic mouth should do with a bird like this. I make no guarantees of getting there before sunrise to open up Stratford Point - it's been a long 10 or so days as I'm sure it has been for many of you - but you are always free to park in the dirt pulloff near the property on Prospect Drive as the fishermen do and walk to the beach along the fence. One would have had great views of it tonight from this area.

Right now I basically assume the hits are going to keep coming. Those four species at Milford Point today represented one of the best I think you could imagine for one spot in Connecticut. Adding in things like Baird's and Western Sandpipers, 4 Whimbrels tonight, 2 "western" Willets, plus all of the "regular" amazing birds and you did not know where to look. Poor Gallo.

Scott Kruitbosch
Conservation Technician
Connecticut Audubon Society
2325 Burr St.
Fairfield, CT 06824
CAS blog:
CAS Twitter:
Email: skruitbosch at

From dennisvz at  Thu Sep  1 20:51:59 2011
From: dennisvz at (Dennis Varza)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2011 20:51:59 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Shearwater? Brown Boobie?
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hi Folks

You experts should take a look at Denise's Photos.

It looks a lot to me like a brown booby.


On Sep 1, 2011, at 9:34 AM, Denise Davies wrote:

> Hello,
> On Sunday evening I went down to the beach in New London and saw
> what I believe
> was a Greater Shearwater. I took some photos, though they are not
> particularly
> great, I am hoping someone will be willing to take a look.
> Here is the link to one photo. There are 4 in all.
> Not in CT but I was also wondering if someone would be willing to
> take a look at
> a photo I took in Florida in March. I believe they are Stilt
> Sandpipers but
> would love any feedback. Here is a link to that photograph.
> Thank you so much!
> Denise
> hobbitsmama at
> _______________________________________________
> This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association
> (COA) for the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
> For subscription information visit
> mailman/listinfo/

From robben99 at  Thu Sep  1 22:35:56 2011
From: robben99 at (Thomas Robben)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 22:35:56 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Fwd: Hurricane Irene redux on eBird
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

We have just witnessed an incredible hurricane, with historic bird
consequences.  We need everybody's help to capture their observations into
eBird, as Marshall Iliff describes below....
There is a lot to be learned from a panoramic
Florida-to-Maine-&-the-Maritmes view of what this hurricane did, so please
enter your field observations into eBird as soon as possible, within a week
or so.
There is really quite an amazing story here, so lets try to document all of
it, please.
Tom Robben

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marshall Iliff <miliff at>
Date: Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 5:30 PM
Subject: Fwd: Hurricane Irene redux on eBird
To: nbonomo at, birdfreak007 at, Steve Mirick <
smirick at>, tbj4 at, pollypie at, Thomas Robben <
robben99 at>, Andy Farnsworth <af27 at>, Bill Hubick <
bill_hubick at>, Ned Brinkley <ensifera at>, Nathan Dias <
dias at>, spencer hardy <curlewsandpiper17 at>

Would welcome cross-posts on this...we really have an opportunity to have
all the storm watches in eBird if we act now...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Marshall Iliff <miliff at>
Date: Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 5:27 PM
Subject: Hurricane Irene redux on eBird
To: Massbird <massbird at>, bostonbirds at


With news still coming in for reports from Hurricane Irene, I have posted a
tentative summary of some of the news with visualizations from eBird etc.
See the story here:

We already have a couple hundred Sooty Tern sightings in eBird but there are
many more that we still need to get in the system. Only about half of the
tropicbirds are in, so the Delaware, upstate New York, New Hampshire, and
one of the New York City sightings still need to be entered. Many Rhode
Island and eastern Massachusetts finds are yet to be entered as well, and it
would be great to be able to see a full picture for any species within the
next week or so. So again, please encourage your friends who got out storm
birding to help us compile all the sightings in one place.

We are very interested in using eBird to gain a better understanding of this
storm, so we invite all birders who got out seeking storm-blown seabirds to
please please PLEASE submit those sightings to eBird (whether or not you
connected with anyrarities--the negative data is helpful too). We hope to be
able to produce an animated summary of Sooty Tern sightings, showing the
progression of the storm and where and when sooty Terns appeared. If we can
get this together quick enough (it will depend on New England birders making
sure all Sooty Tern sightings have been entered with correct times), then
maybe the visualization will help us all make better storm birding plans for
Hurricane Katia

Thanks, and if anyone has questions about how to get their storm birding
list into eBird, please get in touch with me directly.


Marshall Iliff

Marshall J. Iliff
miliff AT
West Roxbury, MA
eBird/AKN Project Leader
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Ithaca, NY

From binskeep at  Thu Sep  1 23:50:49 2011
From: binskeep at (Brenda Inskeep)
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2011 23:50:49 -0400
Subject: [CT Birds] Half a million swallows (Old Lyme)
Message-ID: <>

Greetings to all,

9/1/11 - Nothing like what occurred at Milford Point today and this past week since Hurricane Irene...but today I kayaked around Lord Cove and the CT River in Old Lyme, not looking for Frigatebirds, but hoping to see the "Tree Swallow Spectacular" that occurs over Goose Island this time of year.  Upon arriving at 4 pm, there were already swarms of swallows present; by 6:30 thousands and they just kept coming from every direction.  Then, at 7:15, they began frantically arriving in droves as if the school-bell rang and they were late, each joining an increasingly organized vortex, circling around until the last were in.  This phenomena always amazes me.  There's something special about seeing this many birds in one view and although I'm not sure how to even accurately estimate the number of birds seen, but I believe it is around 500,000 from what I've heard.  As the vortex grew tighter with birds circling in seemingly perfect formation, they began to funnel into Goose Island, each bird diving straight down until there were none left.  By 7:30, only a few birds remained - defiant teenagers, no doubt.  An annual trip to see this phenomena is highly recommended.  To my knowledge, there are no public access points by ground to see the show.  Anyone with a canoe or kayak can paddle from Pilgrim Landing & 156 - Pilgrim Landing is a public launch with 4 parking spots (there was no one there today nor on a visit last month) or there is a river boat from Essex, I believe, that runs each evening for a nominal fee.

Also seen flying southeast across the river, disappearing over the tree line was an adult Bald Eagle.  And on I-95 at Exit 70 there were 2 Black Vultures circling fairly low at 3:30 pm.  Sadly, I found a deceased Great Blue Heron on the highly eroded beach of Calves Island, one of many apparent wildlife casualties of Irene.  Incidentally, I also found a deceased Yellow-breasted Chat in front of my house in Shippan on Saturday while coming back from a walk, pre-storm, although it had already began to rain.  I'm not sure what the circumstance of this bird's demise could have been; the bird looked like it had been hit by a car, but it didn't seem likely as it was on a dead-end street with no high-volume or high-speed traffic.  This bird was collected for submission but I had no way to collect the Great Blue Heron today which was in good shape.

Btw, migration looks good on radar again tonight as it has these past few nights.  And although it was "quiet," I had 11 warbler species in Central Park on Tuesday.  The little birds are moving, too!

Brenda Inskeep in Stamford

From mantlik at  Fri Sep  2 00:31:19 2011
From: mantlik at (Frank Mantlik)
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2011 21:31:19 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [CT Birds] Milford; Many Birds
In-Reply-To: <F4672988EA7644F89FE6DF0508B59B61@OfficePC>
References: <F4672988EA7644F89FE6DF0508B59B61@OfficePC>
Message-ID: <>

That's quite a one-day, one-place which you can add Royal Tern, 4
Black Skimmers, 4 Whimbrels.

We used to call that the Patagonia (AZ) Picnic Table Effect; when a rare bird
brings more birders, who then find more rare birds, etc.

Frank Mantlik

From: Mike Warner <mjwarner at>
To: ctbirds at
Sent: Thu, September 1, 2011 7:41:39 PM
Subject: [CT Birds] Milford; Many Birds

9/1/11  Milford Point -  American Avocet, Black-necked Stilt, Bairds Sandpiper,
Western Sandpiper, Gull-billed Tern, Forsters Tern, Bonapartes Gull.

     Most of the day was spent at Milford Point today and I saw some very unique
birds, some for the first time.  Many thanks to all the birders present today,
it was quite a day.  More and more birds kept arriving and I too just missed
seeing the Brown Pelican.  Currently, there are many species and numbers of
birds there.

Mike Warner
Wilton, CT.
This list is provided by the Connecticut Ornithological Association (COA) for
the discussion of birds and birding in Connecticut.
For subscription information visit

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