Go to Greg Hanisek's site for the full fascinating story (and thank you for the photo Greg!).... Talking Nature with Greg Hanisek » Irene’s Biggest Present
And please enter your Hurricane Irene birds into eBird (and to ARCC or your local state ARC Avian Records Committee). The eBird team has identified these as the most important species they would like entered into eBird, please.....
SOTE Sooty Tern
BRTE Bridled Tern
GBTE Gull-billed Tern
SATE Sandwich Tern
LHSP Leach's Storm-petrel
BSTP Band-rumped Storm-petrel
HUGO Hudsonian Godwit
Second priority:
BLTE [definitely elevated numbers] Black Tern
RNPH Red-necked Phalarope
REPH Red Phalarope
inland shorebirds incl. Whimbrel, BB Plover etc.
inland COTE Common Tern
CATE Caspian Tern
ROYT Royal Tern