Thursday's 11pm projected storm track map, with Irene still headed for New York City...
Today's 5pm projected storm track map shows a bit more drift back to the west, suggesting that Irene might scrape right along the coast from Virginia up into New York City and then into New England...
Today's 8am projected storm track map shows a slight adjustment back to the west since yesterday, pointing it toward western Long Island NY and New England...
It is 11pm now and bird lists today started to discuss Hurricane Irene, but there were no reports of "hurricane birds" (birds probably impacted/transported by the hurricane, especially the less common species and those displaced from other locations). All coastal bird lists will be reviewed again tomorrow, from Florida up through the Maritime Provinces. Meanwhile click on the blue/purple-colored links below to jump to Thursday's posts, and then you can use your browser's "back button" to return to this site....
Nova Scotia ... the first Nova Scotia post about the oncoming hurricane Irene.
Hurricane Irene - birds and more - Maine birds | Google Groups ... Maine birders also expressing safety concerns about Hurricane Irene.
The Massachusetts Birding List ... echoing that Whimbrel radar tracking story from VA and thinking about Sooty Terns.
Connecticut Birds ... a long article: suggestions on birding Hurricane Irene, by Nick Bonomo
Connecticut Birds ... Some hurricane birding tips from Frank Mantlik and Ned Brinkley.
Connecticut Birds ... some thoughts about hurricanes and birds, by Paul Carrier.
The Cayuga Birding List ... a reminder to be alert for possible hurricane birds, from Chris Tessaglia-Hymes.
New Jersey Birding ... "Hurricane Irene and birding potential", plus the several posts directly below this one on the NJBirds list.
New Jersey Birding ... will Kirtland's Warbler be impacted by Hurricane Irene?
New Jersey Birding ... "Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge closed until further notice"
New Jersey Birding ... where should a birder be on Monday morning? by Mike Gochfeld
New Jersey Birding ... the New Jersey shore is at risk of a deadly storm surge
Delaware Birds ... concerns about Irene threatening Delaware.
MDOsprey Birding List ... remembering a hurricane that hit Assateague
Virginia Birding ... satellite transmitter tracking a Whimbrel as it flies through Irene today! Amazing!!
Virginia Birding ... more deep concern about this hurricane!
Virginia Birding ... could this be the first sign of Irene approaching Virginia? Plus a post about damages and safety issues.
The Carolinas Birding List ... Serious concern in the Carolinas
Georgia Birding ... a Georgia discussion about possible birds from Hurricane Irene.
Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuges will be closed because of the hurricane...
"From: Janis Nepshinsky/R5/FWS/DOI
Date: 08/25/2011 10:53AM
Subject: Press Release for Closure of Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuges due to projected path of Hurricane Irene
Please see attached and copied press release.
Please call if you have any questions.
Thanks, Janis
cell 787.6298
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
News Release
Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Block Island NWR John H. Chafee NWR at Pettaquamscutt Cove Ninigret NWR Sachuest Point NWR Trustom Pond NWR
50 Bend Road, Charlestown, RI 02813 401/364-9124 Fax: 401/364-0170
For Immediate Release August 25, 2011
For Further Information Contact:
Janis Nepshinsky, Visitor Services Manager 401 364-9124 or
Charlie Vandemoer, Refuge Manager: 401.364.9124x11
Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuges Closed Due To Hurricane Irene’s Project Path
With Hurricane Irene projected to hit the northeast coast this weekend, the Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuges (NWRs) will be closed beginning Saturday, August 27, 2011 until further notice. Forecasters predict that the Rhode Island coast will experience surging tides, high sustained winds of 75 miles per hours and severe flooding.
We regret this emergency closure and we will re-open as soon as conditions are safe, says Janis Nepshinsky, Visitor Services Manager.
The Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuges consists of Block Island NWR, John H. Chafee Refuge NWR in Narragansett/South Kingstown, Ninigret NWR in Charlestown, Sachuest Point NWR in Middletown, and Trustom Pond NWR in South Kingstown. Please visit www.fws.gov/ninigret/complex.
For information on when the refuges will be reopened, please call 364.9124, extension 48 or visit Facebook, keyword Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex.
Janis Nepshinsky
Visitor Services Manager
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex
50 Bend Road, Charlestown, RI 02813
401.364.9124 extension 28, Fax: 401.364.0170
Website: http://www.fws.gov/ninigret/complex/
Facebook: keyword: Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex
This site was meant to provide near REAL-TIME bird reporting DURING Hurricane Irene, to show the "storm-birds" blown up and into the entire Atlantic Coast (from Florida up to Maine and the Maritime Provinces), starting August 24th 2011, and ending around August 31st, about one week later, after the storm dissipated. That plan was interrupted for 102 hours on the morning of 8/28 when the hurricane made a direct hit on us and shut down our electricity, water, internet, etc.
This site focuses on these questions
Sept 13: WHITE-TAILED TROPICBIRD found in CT on Aug 28th! Read this fascinating story at Greg's site....
This Hurricane Irene blog was meant to be helpful for just ONE WEEK to provide REAL-TIME reporting of ALL Atlantic coast storm-birds DURING the "teeth" of the storm, but the storm's winds and flooding killed our electricity and this blog. Without electricity, water and internet for 102 hours prevented us reporting during the most exciting part of the hurricane and its birding aftermath.
Instead of trying to "catch-up" and reconstruct those 102 missing hours from the archived listserv reports, we will instead 1) summarize them, 2) learn what we can from this "experiment" in real-time-hurricane-bird-blogging, 3) request eBird data entry of all hurricane reports, and 4) get ready for the NEXT hurricane this year!
Therefore we will refocus on the latest current map of the NEXT hurricanes and their projected storm tracks.....
Tropical Storms and Hurricanes (and the wind speed probabilities map... Wind Speed Projections ) and prepare again to answer these questions....
What impacts will the next hurricane have on birds on the East Coast of the USA (plus the western Atlantic and maritime Canada)? And how will that be reflected on the twenty main internet bird lists covering that region?